A Ukrainian drone drops a grenade on a Russian soldier, achieving a headshot. Graphic.

A Ukrainian drone drops a grenade on a Russian soldier, achieving a headshot. Graphic.

by lacqueredcase762

  1. Boom.

    One second you do nice thing for Uncle Vladimir, the next second some people who do not see your enjoyment make sure you stop.

  2. Russian soldier shouldn’t have come to Ukraine in the first place, the couple seconds internet fame of his gruesome demise totally wasn’t worth it.

  3. This orc used to play center on his hockey team. Apparently he was really good at the face off.

  4. Not a good time to lose one’s head

    That’s not a way to get ahead in life

    Ashamed he wasn’t more head strong

    He’ll never be the head of a major corporation

  5. So, was that his head that went sideways? Kind of a fast clip to be able to tell.

  6. Damn, thats pretty lucky.

    Anyone participating in ruski occupation efforts should have some seconds for shock and pain to kick in, this bastard got out easy.

    I wonder if his smashed dome tried to release at least some dmt?
    And if it did, what was the reaction in the leftover brains… 😀

  7. Who would think that the moment you die would be watched by 10000s of folk with their phones while on the toilet taking a dump lol

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