Convicted Felon Commits Another Felony

Convicted Felon Commits Another Felony

Posted by Gattaca401

  1. They aren’t really crimes if there’s no enforcement.

    If Donald Trump rapes a 12-year-old on live TV in front of everyone, and our Department of Justice turns a blind eye like they continue to do, and no one arrests him, and no entity presses charges, then no real crime was committed.

    Donald Trump continues to get away with crime after crime after crime because we have no Department of Justice willing to enforce the law against Donald Trump.

    It is established precedent that if you are a Republican politician, you can rape and traffic children, and as long as Merrick Garland gets a little something in return, he will let you do it.

  2. Any single one of a multitude of his crimes would be disqualifying for any other candidate at any other time in the US. He hasn’t suffered a real consequence for his criminal/malicious/destructive actions in his entire life.

    This will result in simply “throwing one more on the pile” of disqualifying events. Since he has been able to avoid accountability all this time, I suspect his followers will shrug their shoulders and list off a litany of excuses.

  3. Do we really think this doesn’t happen with every presidential race or is it just bad if we don’t talk about it. Does it only apply leading up tot he general but during primary season it’s okay? How many former competitors during primary season make it into Cabinets? Perry, Buttigieg, and Carson off the top of my head.

  4. If only we had an AG that wasn’t scared of “aPpEAriNG paRTIsAn.” I hope President Harris makes replacing that milquetoast mf’er a priority after she’s elected.

  5. I’m not sure how this fact is humor.

    People keep forgetting that Trump is above the law. If any of us plebes committed even half of the felonies as Trump, we’d be in prison already.

  6. AND will anything happen to the Hair Fuhrer as a result?

    Narrator: No. He’s a “rich” whitey.

  7. Not Chump, he is very smart. He outsmarts the smartest people. Some call him the smartiest!

  8. Is seeking that appointment in exchange for support also a crime? Seems like it should be.

  9. Maybe this is how RFK saves his marriage since his wife is vocally opposed to Trump. Testifying against Trump in another federal case could go a long way to keep his wife happy.

  10. What position did Trump promise to appoint RFK to? I don’t have the capacity to read the coverage of the dumpster fire duo

  11. rump has made lawbreaking so ordinary, it doesn’t even register anymore. In fact it’s fully expected of him. Just imagine if he acted legally in some capacity and it was actually borne out he behaved lawfully. I think everyone would be in a state of shock. Like when Klaatu stops the world in The Day the Earth Stoid Still.


  12. The Republicans, when he’s a star they just let him do it. He can just grab them by their pussies. And they love it.

  13. What entertains me about that the most is that it only pertains to men, given the use of the word “his”.

  14. Technically it is now legal due to a court case referring to kickbacks from earlier this year. Offering jobs is an old trick that is very hard to prove. The big ones that can nail someone are offering money directly, but with the new SCOTUS ruling, it’s very difficult to prosecute.

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