‘I’m The Ratings Machine’: Trump Erupts in Raging Tirade Over Fox News Cutting Him Off Mid-Rant About Harris Speech

‘I’m The Ratings Machine’: Trump Erupts in Raging Tirade Over Fox News Cutting Him Off Mid-Rant About Harris Speech

‘I’m The Ratings Machine’: Trump Erupts in Raging Tirade Over Fox News Cutting Him Off Mid-Rant About Harris Speech

Posted by inewser

  1. He’s not wrong, just look at reddit or the media for example. They cant keep Trump out of their mouth. If they just stopped talking about him he’d go away but he’s driving rating and views so they won’t stop.

  2. Crazy that there still are enough degenerate fucks out there that he has a chance of winning.

  3. Anyone have theories how the debate will go?

    Will he just not show up, claiming Kamala didn’t show up for the one he never agreed to?

    Will he show up, prattle on, get pissy when the fact check him and/or cut off his mic while she’s talking? Or maybe he’ll cut it short, storm offstage and have a nervous breakdown?

    Or will his handlers drug his Diet Coke and he’ll be sleepy all the through it?

  4. Wait so let me see if I understand. He calls the media fake news and conspiracy theorist machines but he loves to be on tv?

  5. It sure is weird how he thinks ratings equals qualifications to be president of the United States.

  6. Wait until he gets to prison, he thinks getting cut off is bad now. Bubba won’t appreciate Donnie’s moods

  7. I love the meltdown, but I’m looking forward to not having to hear about every piece of shit this douche bag spews forth. How is everyone not sick to death of this guy?

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