The russian Connection in Twitter Acquisition Revealed

The russian Connection in Twitter Acquisition Revealed

by bison1969

  1. This explains why some content is buried or removed. Musk’s behavior on the other hand 🤷🏻‍♀️ He a piece of garbage imo

  2. As long as people buy any Musk related products and use his associal média- they spill money in his greedy, stingy wallet ! This dangerous character sociopath needs to be excludente from Society !! Just remember his false Flag Action with Starlink switched of in Ukraine

  3. The findings came as a surprise to noone. Him and Trump are two of Putin’s best assets in the US right now.

  4. Why is Musk not being investigated for sanction violations under the OFAC regime? Who’s in charge here?

  5. OMG!

    PDiddy is also an investor!

    And the Prince of Suadi Arabia!

    And some really rich Jewish guys!

    It looks like rich people and investment firms from all over the entire world have some sort of interest here. Almost every major country has a rich person who has money involved in this.

    How could this be allowed to happen?

    It almost looks like maybe they thought they were investing in some sort of capitalist scheme to make money or something.

  6. US Congress: la la la la I can’t hear you la la la la beating China to the moon and mars la la la la la

  7. Not a surprise there, he’s a sleaze bag, turned off Starlink during Ukrainian offensive. He should be tried for treason. That’s why he offered to provide internet for Ukraine, so he can provide easy access to Putin. Elon is collaborating with Xi & Putin. Lock Elon Musk up!

  8. Not a surprise there, he’s a sleaze bag, turned off Starlink during Ukrainian offensive. He should be tried for treason. That’s why he offered to provide internet for Ukraine, so he can provide easy access to Putin. Elon is collaborating with Xi & Putin. Lock Elon Musk up!

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