‘Don’t report that I was desperate!’ Trump Seethes Over Reports of Fox News Cutting His Harris Rant Short

‘Don’t report that I was desperate!’ Trump Seethes Over Reports of Fox News Cutting His Harris Rant Short


Posted by T_Shurt

  1. As per [original article](https://www.alternet.org/trump-fox-news-harris/) 📰:

    – Donald Trump appears to be enraged by claims that Fox News hosts cut off the former president’s rant over his opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris’ Democratic National Convention address.

    Hosts Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum abruptly cut Trump off while he repeatedly bashed Harris’ Democratic nomination acceptance speech.

    “She’s not having success. I’m having success,” the ex-president claimed on the nearly ten-minute-long call. “I’m doing great with the Hispanic voters. I’m doing great with Black men. I’m doing great with women, because women want safety.”

    Eventually shutting down the rambling MAGA hopeful, Baier said, “We appreciate that live feedback.”

    In a post via Truth Social early Sunday morning, he wrote: “Bret Baier of FoxNews called me, I didn’t call him, just prior to the Kamala Convention speech, and asked me if I would like to critique her after she is finished. I agreed to do so! — I thought it was nonspecific and weak, with no fracking, crime, inflation or anything else of interest even mentioned.”

    He added, “Delivery was a C+, with far too many and speedy ‘thank you’s’ at the beginning. It was ‘WEIRD!’”

    Furthermore, the former president claimed to be a “ratings machine” while bashing the New York Times as “fake news” media.

    “Likewise, I didn’t call other media outlets that asked me to go on, they called me,” he claimed. “The Fake News, like often ‘gilted’ Maureen Dowd of the failing New York Times, wrote incorrectly that I was making the calls. WRONG!!! I don’t have to make calls to go on TV, or anything else — They call me! It’s called Ratings, I guess, and I’m the ‘Ratings Machine!’”

    Several political experts mocked the ex-president’s latest claims.

    Washington post reporter Josh Dawsey wrote: “What’s on Trump’s mind this AM 10 weeks before the election? @maureendowd wrote that he called into Fox on Thursday to respond to Kamala Harris, but he says in this long post that Fox called him first.”

    Talking Points Memo founder Josh Marshall commented: “I was soooooo not making the calls, or seeming desperate and pathetic or anything! Don’t report that I was desperate! (Also who gilted Maureen? They sprayed her w gold paint?)”


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  2. A good reporter always allows a criminal-grifter-child rapist to tell them how to report!

  3. He appears like walking DOA. The spray tan no longer even covers half his face. His infamous pomp looks hellacious. I think the assassination attempt made him internally withdraw.

  4. “women want safety” … yes, from a convicted sex offender. Logic is not his forte.

  5. …yeah. Women want safety… and who better to provide it than a convicted rapist.


  6. It’s coming. More and more people can see it now. Someone should have forced help on this narcissistic clown *months* ago. A very public mental collapse is coming and it looks like nothing is going to prevent it. I’m actually more sad than excited about it now but his ultimate downfall will be LIVE on TV and it’s been destined since his father’s racist seed busted through the egg wall.

  7. I’m tired of these rage based shallow reports pretending to be news. Conservatives were blowing minor events out of proportion and now liberals are doing the same. All these small ad stuffed sites are making money off it and people are just lapping it up.

    Watch the video, they cut him off because their show was over. There’s plenty to be mad about, stop focusing on these shallow events. It’s just giving ammunition to the crazies arguments that the media is anti Trump without substance.

  8. We will be reporting on your desperation Donny boy. And we will proabally stop changing your diaper when you go bankrupt from all the terrible life choice you have made.

  9. I fucking love how much he hates being called weird.
    I’m also mad it took us 9 years to figure that out

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