

by byebaaijboy

  1. Since when we decided that having no sun exposure and vitamin d deficiency is cool

  2. A Dutch friend of mine said she doesn’t really consider Spaniards or Greeks as white so…

  3. In Germany my skin was on the fairer side, in UK my skin colour was normal.

    If you pick an andalusian or murcian they can look like gypsies or even a indian (Alvise squirrelfucker), Canarians are africans by right.

  4. A Spaniard and an Arab can have the same skin colour, but one is an uncultured goat fucker and the other writes from right to left

  5. Guide to European Racism:
    – Hardly anyone is considered human anyway.
    – Everyone is shamed based on cultural values.
    – Anyone who measures their skull is considered American by default, and therefore inferior.

  6. Muh black white blabla. Bro real racism is when you hate the next village more than the Frenchmen.

  7. I will not judge them for the color of their skin, but for eating oiled up paprikas (and for the color of their skin also)

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