Burning oil depot in Rostov region, day 8 – Special Smoke Operation

Burning oil depot in Rostov region, day 8 – Special Smoke Operation

by Zealousideal-Menu276

  1. Not to worry, the administration of Proletarsk said the air is clean. Rospotrebnadzor checks the air quality twice a day. Healthiest air in Russia

  2. I see cancer rates spiking in 15-20 years for the people living nearby. Another senseless casualty of putlers war

  3. Ah yes, the bouncing “PamoMcBoob” watermark. At least, that’s how it looks to me without my glasses on. 🤓

  4. Would it be provocative to ask – if you can have a sausage or two roasted over the flames?

  5. Did the kerosene tanks ever catch fire?

    Love the disco inferno vibe from the successful interception of all drones!

    Slava Ukraini!

  6. Thats just a cloud.

    A toxic one.

    From burning ruzzki fuel.

    Anyway, it’s just a cloud man.

  7. Did the kerosene tanks explode yet? Someone had mentioned that they store kerosene too. Was waiting to see that explosion.

  8. I very much appreciate that the russians are posting these videos for us to enjoy.

  9. Oh dear oh dear…..how are we going to compensate this ruski N pollution in the west….

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