Belarusian armed forces are concentrating a significant number of personnel, weapons, and equipment near Ukraine’s northern border under the guise of exercises.

Belarusian armed forces are concentrating a significant number of personnel, weapons, and equipment near Ukraine’s northern border under the guise of exercises.

by TotalSpaceNut

  1. I call it an operation to try to bind forces on Ukrainian side. If Belarus really wanted to join this war they would’ve done it way earlier but what do I know?

  2. That’s the very moment to send peacekeeping troops at the border -I’m looking at you, Macron.

  3. This must be Putin’s “plan” which didn’t go so well the last time he tried to take Kyiv from the north, and now Ukraine is a lot better defended.

    Bye, bye, Luka.

  4. Lukashenko has got to be sweating bullets right now. Putin threatening him and pushing him into a no-win situation that will likely end with Lukashenko killed and/or deposed.

  5. how similar are russia and belarus with view on their people’s opinion about this war? would belarus get into trouble domestic politically if they would join this war? would there be a higher degree of resistance than in russia?

  6. Lukashenko can not be trusted.

    He has already allowed his country to be used by Russian soldiers to invade Ukraine.

    Anything is possible.

  7. Hey Poland I’ve been meaning to do some exercises on the Belarussian border hit me up

  8. I think a few countries around Belarus should do some military exercises around the border to Belarus.

    Just in case it wants to do something like invading another country that hasn’t attacked it first.

  9. NATO should concentrate a large amount of forces on the Russian and Belarusian borders.

  10. Moscow is probably trying to relief pressure from the incursion. Trying to get Belarus to probably just stage their troops near the border so that Ukraine has to divert troops in defensive positions in case of attack.

    Hopefully NATO will send a strong message. And I’m not just thinking of a strongly worded communication.

  11. They’re just trying to draw Ukrainian troops away Kursk under the guise of a possible offensive threat. This is the best Russia can do right now.

  12. Ukraine should be concerned. I’ve seen those Belarusian troops’ dance routine.

  13. I think they mean, “to a distance greater than the firing range of Ukraine’s systems”.

  14. If Russia can bring a foreign army into the war, I think it’s only reasonable that Ukraine can too. If they cross the border, it’s time for NATO to enter Ukraine.

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