Prince Andrew faces fresh questions over how he funds lifestyle as security axed

Prince Andrew faces fresh questions over how he funds lifestyle as security axed

by 457655676

  1. Could the IHT-free estate of his unbelievably wealthy late-mother have anything to do with it?

  2. This is just stirring a pot. His mother died and she had a private fortune as well as the crown estate. He will have inherited at least a couple million if not more, along with property.

    He has enough money to ‘fund his lifestyle’ as much as we hate to see it.

  3. He moonlights as an international assassin.

    *Where was Prince Andrew when Mike Lynch’s superyacht went down with all hands!?!*

  4. As if he doesnt have millions in various accounts. He doesnt need to fund anything he was/is royalty and is set up for life.

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