Vance speaks to crowd of tens as Trump campaign deflates

Vance speaks to crowd of tens as Trump campaign deflates

Posted by Cute-Perception2335

  1. JD trying to appeal to small Podunk towns sprinkled all across Merica. Populations <200.

  2. This only goes to show that the GQP is dead without Trump, nobody else can create enthusiasm in their rabid base, even MTG the craziest of the minor players will bring the same couple of dozen faces if campaigning alone, no governor or Congress leader has a chance to replace Trump.

    The GQP is a party of one, a near octogenarian, obese, con man without anything resembling a successor in sight.

  3. They’ll have to do what Bush did with Quayle-send him to tiny red towns. It was pitiful.

  4. I had a bigger crowd at a panel I did for a MUD convention earlier this year. This is hilarious.

  5. Maga is dying. And just like most cults in history that begin their death phase, the remaining cult members will become more extreme and unpredictable.

    Be vigilant with these lunatics. Protect yourself & your families. And Vote as if your vote alone will decide who wins the election in November

  6. and how many of these were added by AI? LOL The wheels are falling off the bus… love it!

  7. Kenosha…? The place where Kyle Rittenhouse got away with murder? Anyone else feel like this is some quiet Nazi tour? I read recently that the places the Trump campaign was picking for campaign stops appeared to be places where racial violence occurred. The article speculated he was sending coded to the racists in his base. I gotta see if I can dig that link up…

  8. NASCAR draws bigger crowds. Those old midnight video game releases at GameStop used to bring in bigger crowds. Yard sales probably get more people to. These MAGA rallies are really pathetic. 

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