Conservative columnist predicts Trump’s ‘October surprise’ — and it’s bad for J.D. Vance

Conservative columnist predicts Trump’s ‘October surprise’ — and it’s bad for J.D. Vance

Posted by 4h9_

  1. The deadline to easily swap has come and gone.

    This will add more chaos to a campaign which is already running well outside of even a tenuous grasp of reality. The best part about this is “brain-worm dude who smuggled a dead bear cub into Central Park” is not an improvement on “Couchfucker.”

  2. It wont work. Trump/Pence worked because Pence was assumed to be the brain between the two and that he would reign in all of Trumps worst impulses while Pence would be the actual policy maker – obviously that didnt shake out that way at all, but that made at least sense to present as a ticket.

    Neither Vance nor RFK will appeal to anyone who isnt already deeply in MAGA. If anything, a few Independent might feel betrayed by RFK and either stay home or vote for Harris.

    The correct play would to find someone at least appearing rational. Some crusty, boring Republican. Of course, Trump has started beef with anyone in that category and lots of Republicans are secretly or openly hopeing for Trump to fail.

  3. The problem with Republicans switching Veep is that there is literally no one who has broader appeal. There is no person that would pull Harris voters to change their mind.

  4. Most states will already have their ballots printed by October. Other problems is that RFK Jr. has not withdrawn from the election, he has just suspending his campaign. He’s said he will stay on the ballot in all non-battleground states. Even if all 50 states allowed RFK to withdrawal by then, to have Trump/Vance and Trump/RFK Jr. on the same ballot would be a nightmare for the Secretary of States in each state. There would be a lot of confusion on election day and law suits everywhere.

    Also, imagine if the difference for Trump to win a battleground state was found Trump/Vance tickets when the rest of the state voted Trump/RFK. The Rs would argue that all of those votes are still for Trump, so they should be tallied to him and give him the win. The Dems would obviously sue to argue that’s bullshit.

    Switching in RFK jr that late would be apocolyptically bad for the Rs

  5. Fat Elvis tells Kennedy we are getting the band back together, and its is called “Donnie Bone Spurs and the Bear Skinner… with hits like “rig me once rig me trice rig me deadly” “I know more and got caught banging a whore” got wall?

  6. Poor Vladimir Futon. Getting what he deserves. But he won’t take it lying down. Lol.

  7. Is it going to swap Captain Couch Fucker for the Brain Worm 🪱 Pensioner?

    Good luck.

  8. Never. He won’t invalidate his own intended SCOTUS argument against Harris nomination.

  9. Trump is desperate so he is willing to try anything at this point. Nobody with a working brain cell is going to help Trump right now

  10. Trump’s not going to replace Vance. He said himself that the VP doesn’t make any difference in polling.

  11. This has become a boring fantasy pushed by the media and the left. Trump is not ditching his VP, even if it’s true he does really dislike the guy and hates that he picked him.

  12. Unfortunately, just rank speculation. Trump doesn’t like to reverse himself when he makes a mistake. He couldn’t have picked a worst running mate, unless, of course, he picked RFK.

  13. Good, I need some more standup material. October is already ghoulish enough. Is Trump going to have another baby out of wedlock? Or is he going to divorce and marry Elon? So many questions.

  14. He’s trying everything to win. Potentially staged shooting attempt, saving a woman “fainting” at a rally, backpedaling on all sorts of policies and stances (abortion), RFKjr endorsement, because he’s a “Kennedy” and they are a “Royal family of the left,” an “October surprise” is right on the money. He’s throwing everything at the election to see if anything sticks.

  15. He won’t do this because when it doesn’t work and he still loses, it will make it harder to point the finger at his running mate.

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