Am I allowed to make fun of Hans if I am Hans myself?

by Saccharid

  1. Project this argument onto guns in the US and you’ll realize how convincing it is.

  2. This is a stupid argument in general as knifes longer than 12cm are forbidden in public anyway

  3. It’s dumb. I feel like they try to blame anything else than the culprit. Like yeah, it’s not my fault that I’m fat, it’s this stupid pizza’s one.

  4. From ex-knife crime capital of Europe; aye, it’s a good start and this does actually reduce the likliness.

    We’re not exactly Americans here; They’re not thinking “It’s not the knives that are the issue; we just need to put the knives in the *right* persons hands”

  5. Why don’t you remove the pointy thing like in the country where if you do a meme you can end up in prison.


  6. This is the dumbest FUCKING THING I’VE EVER SEEN. Why did we ban murder? SO IT WOULD STOP HAPPENING. It still happens? THEN LET’S JUST FUCKING UNBAN IT WHY DON’T WE??? Continentoids are driving me up the FUCKING WALL

  7. The criminal started the attack before 22:00 because he knows the Ordnungsamt will kick his arse hard if he interrupts the quiet time.

  8. If you are found carrying a blade longer than 10cm, or automatic, outside of a rural, work or camping context on Spain, it will be confiscated and you fined.


  10. I make fun of Radu even thou im a Radu myself.

    So i dont see a problem doing it yourself

  11. I don’t get why we allow politicians to waste time on such issues at all. Yes knive killers are scary, but i don’t really care that much about what kills me, i would prefer to just stay alive and that politicians priorize issues that are more likely to kill me.

  12. It’s all political propaganda bullshit. You can just smash the bottom of a glass bottle out and have a deadly weapon.

  13. No, you are not. Let’s fight discrimination and embrace inclusion. Is there still the saying “Ansichtskarte aus Solingen” for knife attack in GER? Btw, I got perma-banned on r/europe for correct, neutral information on who did this.

  14. Maybe we just stopp accepting IS-Soldiers into europe. Every man aged 18-35 that travels alone can go back fighting the wars in his own country. Come back when you bring your wife and children, or stay back and defend them.

  15. Proceed. We are making fun about it ourselves. Gallows humor. Our politicians will do literally everything to ignore the elephant tin the room.

  16. You’re delegitimizing the state. I’m calling Nancy so she can arrest you immediately 😡

  17. Even worse: According to the Tagesschau, they found a 15cm kitchen knife that’s also illegal to carry. I think it’s a kitchen knife, because the article also mentioned they had found a fitting knife block with a knife missing in the guy’s place.

    Yeah, banning Swiss army knives is going to make the country *so* safe.

  18. Our recent laws about knifes are strict enough, they just have to be well enforced.You can stab somebody even with a stick you found in the woods..

    Grandpa wearing a small foldable knife to peel an apple is a criminal now? Doesn’t make sense. It’s the same thing again, politicians place a new law so they can say they have done at least something, so noone can legally blame then. They’ll say ” But WE AgrEed on a nEw LAw abouT kNifeS. NOt ouR FaUlt peOPle aRE ignORIng it…”Fund law inforcement and stop covering your political asses…..

  19. You aren’t allowed to have a knife or any other weapon for self defence in public spaces in Sweden.

    Also we led Europe in immigration.

  20. I have two kitchen knives. That’s all you ever need.
    My big all purpose one is made in Sheffield, my filleting knife is made in Solingen.
    You can slag Hans to your heart’s content, for all I care, but if he makes a filleting knife, it bloody well is good.

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