Belarus gathering significant number of troops, weaponry along Ukraine’s border ‘under guise of exercises,’ Ukraine says

Belarus gathering significant number of troops, weaponry along Ukraine’s border ‘under guise of exercises,’ Ukraine says

Posted by vreweensy

  1. OMG. 10,000 Ukrainian troops could take the whole country. And if they use the right propaganda, the citizens will help. Belarus better not start something.

    This would be a major blow to Putin if Belarus tried something.

  2. Lukashenko isn’t dumb. He knows that if he enters then Poland or Lithuania kicks him out. 

    Don’t forget this was the same guy that was looking for a mission complete excuse in Ukraine for Putin a couple of days ago.

    Lukashenko is just as much of a dictator too but at least he knows when to bluff and not to push too far.

  3. Yeah sure what ever you say Kyiv independent. Lukashenko isn’t dumb he’ll be kicked out of power if he tries to feed his troops into the grinder. It is either exercises like it says on the tin or he wants to stave off a Ukrainian invasion of belarus as the rumours are flying around saying. I don’t think they’re very credible rumours, but Belarus will have to treat them as credible. Or he wants ukraine to send troops to counter balance his which will draw off troops from fighting his mate Putin.

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