Just RFK Jr. Things

Just RFK Jr. Things

Posted by SiskoandDax

  1. Well what would you do, just let it go to waste? 

    Edit: apparently I needed a /s for that?

  2. It’s not like you get brain parasites or anything from spelunking dead bears, whales, who knows WTF else.

  3. The fact that this didn’t even cause me to raise an eyebrow says so much about RFK Jr. animal lore and it’s not good.

  4. He’s Dr Frankenstein of putting animals together. Us mere mortals don’t know his genius.

  5. Someone please alert USFWS… that’s a couple felonies in regards to the ESA and MMPA…

  6. Another ‘normal’ addition to the Trump ‘stable’ of regular people. The

  7. What is with this man and transporting mutilated animal carcasses…

    …is a thing I never thought I’d have to ask about a former presidential candidate.

  8. So a straight up violation of the Marine Mammal Protection Act, for which other people have faced federal prison time, you say?

  9. Honestly man you could tell me that RFK JR leads a cult to the Deep Ones and sacrifices livestock to the inky abyss each full moon in preparation for the day they rise up against the surface, and I’d just respond with “Only once every few weeks? Damn, dude must be getting lazy.”

  10. There’s a certain breed of libertarian centrist that are just Republican’s who don’t want to admit they are republicans.

    RFK Jr is their king.

  11. It’s nastier than that.


    “Kick’s taste for the extreme was fed by her dad’s eccentric environmentalism. Exhibit A: When she was six, word got out that a dead whale had washed up on Squaw Island in Hyannis Port. Bobby — who likes to study animal skulls and skeletons — ran down to the beach with a chainsaw, cut off the whale’s head, and then bungee-corded it to the roof of the family minivan for the five-hour haul back to Mount Kisco, New York. “Every time we accelerated on the highway, whale juice would pour into the windows of the car, and it was the rankest thing on the planet,” Kick recalls. “We all had plastic bags over our heads with mouth holes cut out, and people on the highway were giving us the finger, but that was just normal day-to-day stuff for us.””

  12. I guess the big question for Trump is – do you make RFK Jr the next *Secretary of the Interior* – with his love of wildlife, or do you make him *Chief Medical Advisor to the President*?

    Some are saying RFK for Health Secretary, but as I understand it, theres already a battle for that role between the Sackler Family and the board of Eli Lilly

  13. As long as it was dead, I can actually get behind that. Animal skulls can be interesting as hell! I had a seal skull I found years ago in a dead and rotting seal. Cleaned it up and it was a very cool curiosity of my.

  14. Good thing he wasn’t late for dinner at Peter Luger’s and needed to dump it in Central Park, disguising it as a bicycle hit-and-run.

  15. He got the brain worm from the bear. He must of gotten the brain fungus from the whale head

  16. If this was said about anyone else, I’d call bullshit. But for RFK Jr., sure! Why not?

  17. RFK Jr.’s fall has been long and deep. He was once a functioning ecology lawyer… then antivaxer (caused 100’s of deaths)… then booze and a brain worm and too much family money reduced him to a worm.

  18. And Trumpanzees think that Kennedy Family will carry over with him to Trump?


  19. All of it. Jesus.

    But also, isn’t it illegal to take a marine mammal, dead or not ?

    He thinks he had some special permit from us fish and wildlife or the EPA or whoever for taking or possession of a whale part ?

  20. Perhaps this is a good time to remind everyone that he is a trust fund billionaire playboy. The dude is weird, that comes with the territory. 

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