Trump Just Fired Off a Post Chickening Out Of Debate With Kamala Harris

Trump Just Fired Off a Post Chickening Out Of Debate With Kamala Harris

Trump Just Fired Off a Post Chickening Out Of Debate With Kamala Harris

Posted by inewser

  1. Brave Sir DonOLD ran away,

    Bravely ran away, away

    When debates reared their ugly head

    He bravely turned his tail and fled

    Yes, Brave Sir DonOLD turned about

    And gallantly he chickened out.

    Swiftly taking to his feet

    He beat a very brave retreat.

    Bravest of the brave, Sir DonOLD!

  2. I would love to see him get crushed in a debate but I’ll happily watch Harris have a town hall event if the debate is off.

  3. There is absolutely ZERO chance that the MORON Trump will debate Kamala Harris. Kamala is very adapt at cross-examining and questioning felons! She would mop the floor with his dumb ass!

  4. STAY TUNED !!!!! aka I’m going to say it’s unfair and then hold a rally the same night instead of doing the debate so I fire off my usual lies without being held accountable

  5. SORRY DON-OLD. THAT ‘BLACK JOB’ you want already belongs to PRESIDENT KAMALA HARRIS. But, I hear that Bucee’s are looking for bathroom attendants. NO BLACK JOB FOR ORANGE MAN!!!

  6. kamala knew he’d wuss out btw. When asked if she’d commit to other debates afterwards by a reporter, her campaigns answer was, we’ll make that decision if he shows up for the first one

  7. Chicken shit loser doesn’t want to face another prosecutor. There’s your Orange Jesus, MAGA.🤣🤡

  8. He absolutely *must* debate Harris on the 10th. He obviously really doesn’t want to, but his campaign manager has had to remind him over and over again that if he chickens out then he looks supremely weak.

  9. He agreed to a debate on Sept. 10 with ABC [as of May 15, 2024:](

    *President* [*Joe Biden*]( *and* [*Donald Trump*](*, the presumptive Republican nominee, are set to face off in an ABC News presidential debate in September.*

    *Trump and Biden said they have both agreed to a prime-time debate at ABC News studios on Sept. 10. The debate will air on ABC News, ABC News Live and Hulu.*

  10. I hope they don’t debate. On the one side, you have Trump questioning the legitimacy of everything about it, just like he did every election, in advance. Lots of news stories report on how he’s old, he’s losing it, etc. And he is. But he’s succeeding in lowering expectations.

    On the other side, I keep reading and hearing about how Kamala will “mop the floor” with Trump. I get that also, and I agree that she is smart, strong, good on her feet, etc.

    But what if Trump actually does show up after all of his whining? What if he gives a passable answer or two? What if he manages to not take the bait?

    My point is that everybody knows about the expectations game on these things, but nobody’s doing it. “Mop the floor, she’ll crush him, he’ll cry, he’ll say the N word,” etc. Trump has a low bar to step over, and Kamala has to hit a grand slam. A double or a triple isn’t going to be enough.

    I don’t like it. At this point, Trump has nothing to lose by debating, and I’m not sure Kamala has much to gain. I’d love to see her reduce Trump to dust in a debate, but this isn’t the ball game, and she doesn’t need it. The ball game is Nov. 5, freedom, and the future of our great nation. I hope the debates don’t happen.

  11. I 100% believe that Harris is going to debate an empty podium for two hours while Trump angrily posts on Truth Social in response to everything she says.

    He will then proudly declare that he won the debate.

  12. Everyone needs to start posting on social media, “What? Are you scared of a giiiirl????” It’s the only way to change his mind. I want to see her demolish him.

  13. If Trumpty Dumpty can’t face Kamala he has no business in world politics…. Little orange pussy bitch

  14. He can’t stop shitting his diaper long enough to debate someone that scares the actual crap out of him

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