Israel coordinates delivery of 25,100 polio vaccine vials to Gaza amid fears of outbreak

Israel coordinates delivery of 25,100 polio vaccine vials to Gaza amid fears of outbreak
byu/Siman421 inanime_titties

Posted by Siman421

  1. very genocidal of them.

    whoever downvotes this is showing they dont care about people, they just want to hate on israel.

    adding character to reach the minimum requirement of one hundred and fifty characters. hopefully this should be enough characters

  2. There are 42 comments, but only one top comment. The 150 character rule has really done a number, and I doubt it was for the better, since I have to fill this one with junk just to make sure it doesn’t get auto removed.

    Anyways, this is yet another example that goes against the narrative that people like to push, so no surprise this sub isn’t taking it well.

  3. ouf… given the situation and the state of the conflict that they are both in, i wouldn’t trust and touch that with a pole…. such a catastrophic mess what’s happening overthere.

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