The Road to EU Membership

The Road to EU Membership

by Landgeist

  1. Norway here!

    We unfortunately prefer to receive and implement EU regulation without having a say in the decisionmaking process. And then we can complain about stupid EU rules that also applies to us.

    We know we are better off inside EU than outside, but still we prefer not to be an official member with representation into the democratic processes. Best of both worlds I guess?

  2. “Candidacy frozen”.

    Well, there is still a difference: Iceland and Norway decided by themself to stop.
    Turkey’s application was suspended by the EU. Awswell as Georgia.

  3. I see the asterisk, but I do find it pretty misleading to title the original EEC members as just “Founding member” on a map titled EU. Especially when you have for example Denmark that carries opt-outs from founding the EU.

  4. I’m not sure former member / territory is a very logical category. The Brexit situation is pretty unique, recent, not entirely resolved and has significant impacts.

    It has nothing much in common with Greenland or former French territories becoming independent isn’t really equivalent to that the UK did.

  5. Still, even after all these years, the fact that we have created these institutions and stopped the circle of wars that European Powers like France and Germany fell into seems somewhat incredible, looking at the kind of conflicts that still prevail in our time and age worldwide.

  6. Turkey’s candidacy is not frozen, rather negotiations are stalling. Not much progress since 2016.

  7. There are two kinds of Frozen – one is because the country is too cold so the candidacy literally got frozen, and the other is because the country is becoming authoritarian so the EU suspended the process.

  8. I don’t know who made this but he might as well put Bosnia and Herzegovina in the frozen section because we haven’t moved an inch after becoming a candidate (especially because it was ‘gifted’ to us), nor will we ever seek after it it seems. Or at the very least not in my lifetime (I’m 23).

  9. It would be wonderful to see the remaining Balkan countries join the EU as well, as this would bring security to these regions and eliminate the fear of another war.

  10. For those who don’t know, the last flag under ‘Former members/territories’ represents Gibraltar. Curiously, Gibraltar still doesn’t have a hard border after Brexit. Nothing has really changed.

  11. W.Balkan is such a mess and currently only Montenegro has a chance because of reforms happening there and generally no bilateral issues.
    But for the rest such as Bosnia, North Macedonia, Kosovo Albania and Serbia there is almost zero chance in the next 10 years. However once the issues are solved and economy rises there EU will have no choice but to absorb them but this will take ages.

    Ukraine is another story and there things might be more positive after the war, however is uncertain how long time will tok for Ukraine to be to EU.

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