Trump’s orange face has turned so brown that he woke up this morning and told ICE to deport it

Trump’s orange face has turned so brown that he woke up this morning and told ICE to deport it

Posted by ObscureCocoa

  1. Trump’s face paint routine is what happens when no one around you is allowed to tell you the truth.

    “You look great Mr President, Sir”

    (internally: “what the fuck has he done to his face?!”)

  2. Whatever “bronzer” he used must be out of production and he’s trying to find something new. He’s changing shades every few days now.

  3. Thanks OP, now I’m just imagining Trump waking up, going to the mirror and telling himself to go back to where he came from.

  4. Did he only buy one brand of this stuff and they stopped making it 10 years ago and it’s all started to go a bit off?

  5. Trump looks like a wood staining project made by a middle school student in shop class.

  6. You can literally see the outline of where a drinking glass would be pressed against his face.

  7. Wow, Larry Parks has let himself go…although in fairness that has to be at least a 7/10 on the Al Jolson Scale!

  8. I’ll never get over how weird this is. And people like this guy? Look at his fucking weird face!

  9. He’s going darker and darker so that when he finally goes full minstrel show we won’t even notice.

  10. Has anyone else noticed that he often has camal toe neck? Does that also mean he hides his pussy throat with his tie. This is all very unsettling, very unsettling indeed.

  11. I’ve always wondered why he decided to keep buying the bronzer that made his “tan” appear orange rather than to find one that made him look… I dunno… tan? But then I realized that just like any other mistakes he’s made, he doubles down on it rather than admit he was wrong. I’m looking at you, too, sharpie Alabama hurricane map.

  12. Subscribe showed him that photo from the other day where he looks like something out of Fallout

  13. Amongst all those he’s raped and screwed over it looks like he was the person we should have built the wall to keep out.

  14. Imagine thinking that looks good… Seeing that in the mirror before starting your day and being like ” yeah, that’s me alright!”… Lol

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