Deepfake sex crimes widespread among teens in South Korea

Deepfake sex crimes widespread among teens in South Korea

Posted by polymute

  1. I wonder what effect widespread use of deepfake technology will have on people. Is the nakedness taboo going to dissapear when everyone can turn a portrait into a nude picture in a few seconds?

  2. > a young man who doctored a photo of his teenage cousin and shared it on a mobile messenger app was initially sentenced to two years in jail

    That’s surreal that I can go into mspaint, draw some boobies on another image and go to jail for 2 years. It’s not using the mspaint image to commit crime, but the image itself that would cuase jailtime.

  3. >youngsters are using deepfake technology to produce sexual images of their own peers without their consent

    Normal weekday for normal Korean boys tbh. It’s actually illegal for Korean boys to not be a pervert who watches spycam videos and not join telegram channels where they share rape videos /s

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