Russian Skyscrapers Hit by Drones – Civilian Casualties Reported. Drones hit new high-rise buildings in Engels and Saratov, Russia, when likely targeting military sites. One woman is understood to be in a critical condition.

Russian Skyscrapers Hit by Drones – Civilian Casualties Reported. Drones hit new high-rise buildings in Engels and Saratov, Russia, when likely targeting military sites. One woman is understood to be in a critical condition.

by MaryADraper

  1. Can’t wait for the “condemnation of babaric acts” by the regime which deliberately targets children’s hospitals.

  2. If Russia didn’t want their sky scrapers to get attacked, then they shouldn’t have jammed the drone.

    If Russia didn’t want to have to jam drones, then they shouldn’t have attacked Ukraine in the first place.

    GTFO of Ukraine

  3. How much do you want to bet it’s directly due to Russian jammers downing the drone while over a residential area

  4. What are those lines at random intervals ? Balcony ? Why so spare and randomly set up ? Looks weird af

  5. Russians clutching their pearls while ignoring the bombing of an active Ukrainian maternity hospital

  6. Not to be cynical but do we actually know they’re Ukrainian drones? Russia has a history of killing their own citizens in their own buildings to drum up a story to react against.

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