Today, russians attacked Ukraine with many missiles made from American components. russia can hit Ukraine with weapons with American chips. Ukraine cannot hit russia with American missiles in response. Absurdity.

Today, russians attacked Ukraine with many missiles made from American components. russia can hit Ukraine with weapons with American chips. Ukraine cannot hit russia with American missiles in response. Absurdity.

by HarakenQQ

  1. *Ukrainian missiles. Seen under international law they have been ukrainian missiles since the moment they have been officially been handed over. Just out of american production.

    Makes the whole situation even more bizarre

  2. Which is why we have Sternenko. I’ll throw my money behind every domestic Ukrainian drone project that sends russians to hell.

  3. Should be noted that there have been efforts by the US to block and sanction US companies that send parts to Russia directly. More was added recently. But… there are always back doors

  4. If this war has taught me anything is how unbelievably afraid the US government is of russia.

    Nothing must be done to antagonise russia.

  5. As far as I can see this works as intended .

    People far away get killed by American weapons on both sides.

    Perpetual war where you are the profiteer, the American dream!

  6. The main problem with these components is, that they are not “unique” to only military use.

    As an example: Arduino Boards. These little programmable computers and their chips come from Microchip Technology Inc, Chandler, USA. That shit is available EVERYWHERE. Everyone is using that, from Schools to Developers to Hackers, electronically interested Hobbyists for Roboters or radio-controlled Aircraft, heck, Drones are using it. Those chips (e.g the ATmega328P) is in every industrial application thinkable to control machines, cars, TVs, your Radio Clock and and and and….

    Those chips are sometimes produced over timespans of 10-20 years and have an output amount comparable to the fries sold by McDonalds worldwide. Even if Microchip would have stopped world production of their Arduino, there is enough ready sold parts available across the world to enable entire countries industry to order the stuff on an industrial scale the next 5 years.

    Heck, you could probably reprogram and build a complete ballistic homing missile with the parts of a Playstation 3. Incl. Object detecting video input.

    It is practically impossible to stop the flow of Microcontrollers and PC Parts. Heck, they are in every piece of electronic trash, which gets sold on the open market because everybody wants to get rid of it but does not want to do the work. Yeah, and then have some cheap labor for desoldering, cleaning the shit up and bang, your army has TONS and TONS of that crap, enough to build a complete electronics industry.

    Heck, one could just use a normal yesteryear mobile phone and reprogram it to be the Command and Control Center of a ballistic missile. It got everything in it what it needs. Camera, GPS, Glonass, Mobile Internet, Wlan, Bluetooth, Position detection, Compass and build in enough MBs to even save down hundreds of programs. It also got the Oomph to calculate fast enough. And Android developement is available everywhere on the world. And used cellphones get collected and sold as trash around the world in the huge tons amount. That is one of the cheapest sources for somewhat quick small computers everywhere.

    And the same is for other, mechanical parts. Alibaba, Temu, Wish, anyone still delivering anything to Russia can provide them with anything they need.

    Non-Military Quality level parts or non-special designs only for military use are practically absolutely not trackable on the world market.

    The only thing that probably hinders Russians to use Goodyear Tires on their Loafs is probably the price. Because chinese stuff is cheaper and the lesser amount of quality is not important because those shitty cars won’t drive more than a few thousand miles anyway before getting hit by a drone.

    Toyota was (and is still) not happy that their *Toyota Hilux* is still the No1 Choice of any small army fraction/terrorist group around the world. But its impossible to control who buys it. Where it gets resold.

  7. I feel like Ukraine is being used by my country (USA) to bleed Russia slowly dry. This is causing way too many unnecessary casualties.

  8. Well, America didn’t make those missiles that Russia launched, and most likely didn’t send them the tech with the intention that they be used in missles.

    And the US DEFINITELY did not give Russia “permission” to launch US made weapons at Ukraine.

    So I don’t see why Ukraine needs “permission” to launch at Russia.

    I mean, I understand not wanting to stop the US from sending more, but I don’t think the US is willing to stop sending if you use them without permission.

  9. this keeps getting presented like the us and others are sending them components…….

  10. As an American this makes me feel discust and shame.  Let Ukraine take the damn gloves off!

  11. While this is horrible. USA has done a lot. More should be done. But this is actually in Europe right? The NATO european members really need to step up more. Stop donating a few vehicles here and there.

  12. Pro Ukraine here but this is like saying that because the Rusian eat a hamburger, USA is funding their terrorist operations.

  13. I sadly think America will be remembered for their wishy washy stance in this conflict.

    Their words don’t match with their actions as they should, and that is on display for the world to see.

  14. Yep. We as Americans need to stop funding tomorrow or let the Ukrainians use our weapons any way they want tomorrow. This is absurd. All or nothing now! Fuck Putin and his red lines!

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