Russia again violated the borders of NATO. The combat drone of the Russian army flew 25 km over the territory of Poland and exploded

Russia again violated the borders of NATO. The combat drone of the Russian army flew 25 km over the territory of Poland and exploded

Russia again violated the borders of NATO. The combat drone of the Russian army flew 25 km over the territory of Poland and exploded

by ua-stena

  1. Nato needs to respond. Just look how inept Putin now looks because he did very little to respond when his red lines were crossed.

  2. One thing Russia and China and Iran do see very clearly is that NATO isn’t as brave as they feared.

  3. Why shouldn’t they? It’s not like NATO is going to do anything about it. At least, this is the message NATO’s been sending to Putin for the last 2 1/2 years.

  4. Why is this even news anymore? Nothing ever happens because of it? It’s so normalised behaviour and Russia will only get stern words in return

  5. Since NATO gets so wrapped up in red tape over any strict defensive action maybe Poland should fund and supply a Ukraine division to exclusively protect its airspace from within Ukraine. That sounds proxy war enough that it just might work.

  6. Again with this option. I’d take this with a grain of salt, we know what the story was last time “it went into Poland and exploded” ended up being Ukrainian weapon. A log people assumed it couldve been an attempt by Ukraine to draw in more counties to fight m.

  7. Poland should shoot it down regardless what it was. Even if this was a 200usd drone and the missile costed milion. This is required for diplomacy.

    Official military statement is some kind od bullshit. „We were watching, we were ready, but the weather was bad and we decided not to.”

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