Whats up with the official paralympics youtube page?

Whats up with the official paralympics youtube page?

Posted by snickering_grapes

  1. I mean they are making it fun.

    Lots of brands poke fun at themselves like this.

    And since its an event that is barely a shadow of their big brother the Olympics, having a little humor and getting shares like this might be a good way to bring eyes to the paralympics.

  2. The thing that makes this weird for me is the Olympics page doesn’t do this. I understand the Olympics and the Paralympics are run seperately to each other by different people, but the fact the former is full of serious, epic or informative clips of the events and past games, and the latter is full of really fcking dumb wannabe meme page edits…..well its odd.

    I love a good meme, but when its ONLY the games for disabled athletes that gets this goofy meme treatment on their official page, while the the games for able bodied athletes is reported on seriously, well i think an eyebrow raise is in order.

  3. It’s a tricky act to produce content or moments at these games which are fun while not mocking disabled communities, like the time when Tissot gave watch to the winner who has no arms.

    Every Paralympic has commentators/officials who fucks up spectacularly.

  4. It’s my understanding the social media content creator is in the community. It’s also a tricky place to be as they ARE achieving their goal of more eyes on the paralympics this year, but I kind of wonder at what cost and if these athletes also found it funny in most instances.

  5. i think a lot of social media-workers makes these type of goofy meme-videos and i don’t think they’re wrong, BUT it doesn’t sit right with me that they’re basically only posting these videos that in some cases are borderline bullying. other social media admins post cool content, funny content, informative content, fan content etc. paralympics posts way too many of those “edgy” wheelchair-guy fail compilations for being an organisation whose entire purpose is to give a space and a platform for the wheelchair-guy to do his sport and represent his country.

  6. Marketing!! The Paralympic committee has been KILLING it with this kind of content, having fun with it to help normalize parasport and help increase audience participation/viewership

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