He’s gonna chicken out

He’s gonna chicken out

Posted by LakesideNorth

  1. The orange Capon will back out. I don’t think anyone believed he would debate Harris. Well, anyone but his unhinged supporters.

  2. I’m confused. Which makes him angriest? Calling him a chicken before or after he bails on the debate? I need to know so I can time my bulk order of popcorn.

  3. Kamala should just go anyway, and put a cardboard cutout of Trump in a clown suit and diaper behind the other podium and just use the time to speak to the population without getting interrupted by that clown

  4. Make debates mandatory and require that they cover policy topics submitted by the audience or general public.

  5. Sounds like his ‘handlers’ actually managed to get his attention after golf this weekend to sit down and prep for the debate and they came to a ‘wholly fuck’ moment that insults, interrupting and incessant lying don’t really qualify as civil discourse ..they know if he shows up the only two outcomes will be 1) core maga will get charged up. 2) it will not sway an additional vote in his favor..it will drive any undecided towards the light …. Plus I gotta think he has his hands full planning his next rally stunt since his staged assassination attempt only stayed in the news for 36 hours

  6. And if he doesn’t chicken out, he’s going to rooster. Show up, shit all over the stage and just incessantly cockadoodledoo so no one can get a word in edgewise.

  7. Either chicken out, or wait until an hour before the debate to show up.
    He thinks that ratings = politics

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