Trump’s ‘drill baby drill’ plan: The wrong answer to the right questions. Asked about his jobs plan, Donald Trump pointed to oil drilling. Asked about housing affordability, he again pointed to oil drilling. US production of oil, natural gas, solar and wind energy have all reached record highs.

Trump’s ‘drill baby drill’ plan: The wrong answer to the right questions. Asked about his jobs plan, Donald Trump pointed to oil drilling. Asked about housing affordability, he again pointed to oil drilling. US production of oil, natural gas, solar and wind energy have all reached record highs.

by mafco

  1. Sometimes the public discourse around energy is so at odds with the numbers. I feel as if we are stuck in 1973.

  2. Trump doesn’t understand policy, nor has he any interest in it. So anytime he is asked about it he just repeats the same simple-minded slogan – “Drill baby, drill!” – which always seems to get cheers and fist pumps from his adoring red-hatted cult followers. We live in a crazy world.

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