Gericht fordert X auf, Investoren und Verbindungen zu Putins Verbündeten offenzulegen

Gericht fordert X auf, Investoren und Verbindungen zu Putins Verbündeten offenzulegen,7063945661912705a

  1. A court has forced Platform X to disclose its investors, revealing ties to Russian oligarchs that some, like Guy Verhofstadt, argue explain Elon Musk’s controversial stances.

  2. Anyway, the Avco-Lycoming AGT1500 is a gas turbine engine. It is the power plant of the M1 Abrams series of tanks.

  3. Ok, now Elon’s 50m dollar a month injection into Trump’s cash flow makes more sense.

  4. Besides the obvious fact that Elmo needs to be held accountable for breaking sanctions. This also looks VERY bad for the banks. They were essentially bankrolling a business that was (partially) owned by sanctioned individuals. Morgan Stanley and Barclays clenching their buttcheeks right now…

  5. Well… haft of the users are coming from Russia’s troll farms so it’s only natural they invest in the platform

  6. Oh really? The american right wing is cooperating with putin? Who would have thouht.
    Next thing we learn is that people assosiated with trump had connections to russia.
    Imagine sb of his campaign, let alone his family had met with russian agents in order to recieve information about his political opponents.
    Now that woukd be a big thing!

  7. Not surprising. I don’t think that necessarily means coordination, but when Elon is proudly touting their lack of moderation on disinformation campaigns it should be obvious which parties might be interested.

  8. ⢀⣠⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠀⠀⠀⠀⣠⣤⣶⣶

  9. Elon Musk is a hardcore supporter of Project 2025 and Heritage Foundation. If you are not too keen for those to spread everywhere on this planet, remove yourself from doing any business with products and companies associated with Musk or his pals.

    Elon Musk is now also a confirmed Russian puppet.

  10. Read a Rolling Stone article and they seemed to gloss over this part and instead focused on PDiddy and silicone valley investors. Seemed like an odd choice to focus on

  11. And all of these investors are now screwed because X is not worth nearly as much as it used to before Musk took over. 😁

  12. I suspect there are investors with links to just about everything.. I would need more details to have any kind of value from this headline.

  13. This was obvious to me the second he wrote about Crimea and used the phrase “Khruschev’s mistake”. Nobody would ever use that phrase without being told word for word what to write by the FSB (formerly KGB). It was so clumsy it alerted everyone in the know immediately. The question now of course is what are governments going to do about it? It’s more than obvious that twitter has become a cesspit of FSB propaganda which makes Muskrat guilty of treason in my opinion.

  14. The guy that turned off the Satellites that helped Ukraine against Ruzzia? The nerve!

  15. Wonder why he said using nukes is not the end of the world and Japan was okay. Wonder who told him to say that.

  16. What a shock. I thought twitter being full of mostly bots spewing pro Russia propaganda was just a coincidence

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