Unique suicide of a russian soldier. His gun jammed, so he cleaned it. Missed (how???) and died from a drone

Unique suicide of a russian soldier. His gun jammed, so he cleaned it. Missed (how???) and died from a drone

by Zealousideal-Menu276

  1. Can’t even kill himself right, embarrassing.

    and yes I have no empathy for these guys.

  2. How…. how do you fuck that up?

    Also, the music is straight up inhuman and whoever added it is a huge piece of shit. Russians are garbage but making light of stuff like this makes you garbage too.

  3. He did not really miss. But his aim was bad, so his life ended with a terrible headache.

  4. In RU cinema’s now, the spin-off of ‘Despicable me’ called ‘Fertilize UA’

    May he fertilize in peace – FIP

  5. Lol, the music! If the clip is ever seen by ruzzians it’ll be that much more humiliating.
    And to be clear, that is the point.
    Make so many more of these. Add yackity sax / bennie hill ect.

  6. are there any experiment on how the human body reacts after getting a close hit from a drop? From the visible body sometimes it bleeds, sometimes not but ppl die in minutes.

  7. Can’t believe I just watched a man try to kill himself while happy, upbeat Hololive EN music was playing over it. I’m so confused.

  8. Attempting suicide to get yourself out of the SMO is an odd time to be concerned with making sure your helmet doesn’t fall off

  9. It’s not because you see him moving after the shot, that he’s still alive. The brain-stem might still send some signals to his nerves and muscles.

  10. It looks almost if he wanted to fake suicide by shooting really close to the head. A few seconds before, he was looking and putting on his cap and helmet. Which is weird in the circumstance. Perhaps he was hoping that bullet will rip helmet of confusing drone to think he died?

    Though, I know, the most obvious explanation is usually is the right one. Meaning, tat he did actually missed.

  11. ‘In those days people will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will flee from them.’

  12. Could be that he missed his brain and the bullet lodged in his neck (barrel in mouth method is pretty inconsistent, depending on angle). So instead of dying immediately he died a slow death from suffocation in his own blood.

  13. HOW does someone choose this over surrendering? Can you really be that brainwashed despite all the evidence that russian POWs don’t get tortured???

  14. I don’t understand the people who are complaining about the video soundtrack, etc. Killing is not an everyday task, and if you start to take it too seriously, you’ll burn out quickly, which could lead to getting killed yourself. In war, you have to treat it like a video game and detach from the fact that the person you kill is a living being with a family waiting for them at home. This kind of music helps you forget that the occupier is human. Ukrainians don’t have many other options, so they have to eliminate as many enemies as they can to survive.

  15. When he kept stopping to put his cover back on it reminded me of getting yelled at by our shitty commander on my first deployment. Hats on in the SMO thank you!

  16. Who the fuck decided that Breaking Dimensions from HoloEn was a good background for this? Brother in Christ…

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