Thousands of women could avoid jail as Labour plans review of short sentences

Thousands of women could avoid jail as Labour plans review of short sentences

by F0urLeafCl0ver

  1. How about we just treat everyone the same when it comes to sentencing, irrespective of race, background or gender?

  2. > “The overwhelming majority of women sent to prison have committed non-violent offences, and as a result, many serve sentences of less than a year. Their offending is often driven by addiction and poverty, fuelled by past-trauma and abuse.”

    It looks like a lot of women are in prison for drug offences and petty crime. Cutting sentences on non-violent drug offences for both men and women seems sensible. The war on drug has largely seen as ineffective and just take up prison spaces. I’d be quite impressed if Labour can look into this as a solution to our prison crisis.

  3. >“These sentences are long enough for women to lose their homes, their children, and any stability within their communities, whilst doing little to address the reasons that drove them to offend in the first place. We already have more effective solutions which deliver lower rates of reoffending, keep families together, and provide women with the support they need for a life away from crime. ”

    I’m all for alternatives to prison if they result in a lower reoffending rate, but surely this should apply based on the crime, rather than sex or gender?

  4. I’m sure the feminists will be along any time now to demand equality before the law and gender blind sentencing.

  5. You know what pisses me off.

    The general public are struggling with wages, cost of living (bills; electric etc), mobile phone thefts, stagnant wages, extortionate housing, rent increases, crime the list goes on.

    Labour, think its time to address the jail terms?

    No one fucking asked for that, we asked for fucking help after years of tory austerity. Why the fuck are you messing around with jail terms, its not what the public want or need. Fucking do what we asked, help!!!!

    People are struggling, people are starving, kids are starving. Fucking do your dam job and listen to the general public.

    I voted for labour but these fuckers are no different to the tories, they dont care what the country wants, they dont care about the general public.

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