Huge oil spill in the Red Sea

Huge oil spill in the Red Sea

Posted by sudanwarmonitor

  1. An oil tanker carrying four times as much crude oil as the *Exxon Valdez*, which infamously spilled oil across 2,100 km (1,300 miles) of Alaskan coastline in 1989, is currently burning 65 km off the coast of Eritrea.

    The Liberian-flagged, Greek-owned, Russian-captained, Filipino-crewed, Monaco-managed ship was sailing from Iraq to Cyprus when it came under attack.

    The Houthi movement of Yemen has claimed responsibility for the attack on the ship*, MV Sounion,* claiming it belongs to a company that has delivered cargo to Israel.

  2. oil spill? use the headline “Houthi’s cause massive oil spill…again”..It didn’t ‘spill’ accidentally. It was targeted by the country.

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