According to Come back Alive Foundation, a single ukrainian Gepard unit managed to shoot down 6 “Shahed” drones and 3 Cruise Missiles this morning, during one of the largest air attacks since the beginning of the full scale invasion

According to Come back Alive Foundation, a single ukrainian Gepard unit managed to shoot down 6 “Shahed” drones and 3 Cruise Missiles this morning, during one of the largest air attacks since the beginning of the full scale invasion

by Hannibal_Game

  1. Wherever the Gepard is positioned, a Shahed will rarely be able to get through, it is an old equipment but excellent against large drones

  2. Ukraine is really lucky german polititians are so stupid. No sane military would give up such a weapon in times of drones. We did and urkaine was lucky Gepards were surplus.

    Funny enough that russian pacifist propaganda and tankies lead to such decisions.

  3. i remember some people saying gepards where to old and it was weird for ukraine to waste time asking for them…holy snap where they wrong.

  4. Old system, but extremely efficient, especially against numerous slower air targets. German idiot politicians retired the Cheetah because they thought that they would never have to defend against close air targets again – against explicit warnings that this competence would take ages to re-establish. In NATO exercises, the Germans would do as if they had a subordinated unit of Romanian Gepards…made them look a bit, well, German, as one would say in the military then.

  5. Must be protecting a high value target or on a major drone/missile flight path to get that many in one attack. They are relatively short range because of the limits of the gun.

  6. Hope the Gepards can perform like this for a long time. keeping such vintage stuff up and running is quite a task. Ammunition should not be a problem any more with the new factory. But spare parts will hardly be available. German supplied Gepards have a different Radar than the Cheetahs to be delivered form Jordan so that adds to the complexity.

  7. When the multiple dots show up in a straight pattern, are those bullets flying out of the AA gun and showing up on the radar?

  8. One volley (10-12 shots maybe) of a Gepard costs around $2000-$3000, it’s expensive ammunition.

    2-3 try usually necessary for a Shahed, still a good deal.
    Now lets do the math for cruise missles: 10k vs 1000k++ depending on type, yeah that’s a great deal

    I think order books for Skyranger and Skynext, the successor of Gepard are ramping up like crazy.
    One good positioning and the system pays for it self, not even valuating the targets they protected.

    Germany will also deliver Lynx IFV, and their new wheel-howitzer, which can fire while driving, by the end of the year. Netherlands & Sweden will produce 180 CV90 IFV for Ukraine.
    So one Army, got a lot of old ex-soviet crap stuff and is now re-supplied with modern western stuff, the other used newer ex-soviet stuff, plus some top ( /sarakasm SU-57, T-14 Armata) russian stuff, but now needs to dig deep in ex-soviet stuff (T-62,M-20 arty from WW2).

    If Ukrainians fighting will don’t break, the longer this war goes, it will not end well for Russia, they simply will be out-guned by the end of next year.

  9. Im uneducated. Do they have fire control radar? Or search and track and then aim by mark I eyeball and a gunsight?

  10. It doesn’t bear thinking what would be happening all across Ukraine if their air defence wasn’t able to shoot down the vast majority of incoming missiles and drones.

    RuZZia’s intent is murderous and Ukraine must have the ability to strike back in devastating fashion without one arm tied behind their back.

  11. They’ve got the gain turned up all the way so that the display shows up on video. IRL, they turn it down until the sweep is barely visible so that real targets pop against the background.

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