‘Putin’s successor could be worse’ says freed Russian prisoner

‘Putin’s successor could be worse’ says freed Russian prisoner


by robhastings

  1. Putins successor WILL be worse. He will try to continue Putins policies. That persons successor will be forced to make peace with the West, or be consumed by China.

  2. Never convinced by this as an argument, really.

    ‘Don’t stop the bully hitting you because the next bully might be worse’

  3. Nah, there’s no authentic nationalism at the top, the kleptocracy comes first. Russia’s leaders have been selling the country out, piece by piece since the Soviet Union collapsed, and there’s plenty left to sell. My prediction is that the next guy post-Putin will be a scapegoat who will sue for peace, who will sell the [Far Eastern Federal District](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Far_Eastern_Federal_District) to China to shore up funds for reparations and economic recovery. Just like how Nicholas II sold Alaska to the USA to raise desperately needed money after being humiliated in the 1853-56 Crimean War.

  4. Putin is not doing a bad job managing the war. A successor might escalate further, but that will just bring the destruction of Russia faster. Is that worse? Matter of opinion.

  5. Putin is not doing a bad job managing the war. A successor might escalate further, but that will just bring the destruction of Russia faster. Is that worse? Matter of opinion.

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