The road of death for Russian Soldiers in the Kharkiv region.

The road of death for Russian Soldiers in the Kharkiv region.

by Dredd_Doctor

  1. this fkn war … it should‘ve never begun in the first place… should‘ve ended after ruzzia saw they‘re not welcome.

  2. Imaging if these people had stayed in their own damn country and worked to make it better instead of invading their neighbors’, murdering them, and trying to steal their neighbors’ homes, factories, farms, and toilets.

    Last night Russia launched the biggest air attack against Ukraine since the early days of the war.

    Our friends and allies should not have to endure this. Putin must be stopped, now, by force.

    It is indefensible to slow drip feed them aid and vital supplies needed to win this war. Not to mention the targeting restrictions imposed by Washington. It’s beyond shameful.

    Give Ukraine the overwhelming aid and support they need to win decisively, now. Stop letting our friends and allies get murdered by Russia’s criminal horde.

    While our governments still fuck around and dither and delay instead of helping Ukraine actually win, you and I can help people fighting for their lives against Putin’s genocidal assholes by donating right now to Ukraine’s defense at [](

  3. Russians are a strange folk.

    13 Americans died during the botched pullout from Afghanistan. It’s still huge news, 3 years later, and is being used as a main reason not to re-elect the current party back into the White House.

    But Ukraine is littered with tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of dead Russians, and what do I see from Russian civilians? “Look at how good our bread prices are, with all of these sanctions.”😳😖

  4. “Ти ж хотів землі цієї. Тож тепер змішайся з нею”

    — Стасик 🇺🇦🇺🇦

  5. More like the path or trail of death not a road which to me implies vehicles of some sort. Soon Russia may have more of these because they seem to be rapidly running out of vehicles at the front.

  6. If the bodies don’t come home, does their military just not compensate the families? Or do they even compensate families at all? Fuckin idiot putin.

  7. My grandma used to say to me as a child: “You have to set markers so you can find your way back, my boy!”

  8. this is what “protecting the motherland” looks like when you’re thoroughly corrupt and incomptent.

  9. Imagine walking down that path, and seeing the bodies of people you know lining the path.

  10. Did another Russian soldier cover one of his fallen comrade’s head with a box; or did that Russian soldier expend his remaining seconds of life crawling into a box?

    We may never know the answer.

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