Speeding ticket procedure?

Recently I was in Germany, and i got a speeding ticket today, however I’m not sure how to proceed because they seem different than those I’ve gotten from my country. Do I fill out the form and send it back or can i just pay the fine directly? And if I do have to pay, do I have to pay 60€ or 88,50€?

by gomnada

  1. Pay 88,50€ and be done.

    (edit: Or is this a hearing form and no account number included?)

  2. Because the fine is more than 55 Euros, you cannot just pay and be done with it. You need to send the form back, admit that it was you (or claim that somebody else was driving) and only then you will be ordered to pay the fine of 60 Euros plus fees. That’s German bureaucracy for you.

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