Quiet quitting…

Quiet quitting…

Posted by Hot_Joke7461

  1. The nation needs to start getting cool with the idea of this asshole going to prison. No mercy, no self-confinement, no bargains, no mercy at all. Jail him and tear down all of his emoluments from the office–he is illegitimate.

  2. He thinks that the Republicans squeezed into the various states’ election boards will tie things up in court long enough for his trigger happy cult members to take over.

  3. My larger concern is he thinks he doesn’t have to campaign due to some horseshit scheme or another that’s been concocted with supporters in statehouses and on the Supreme Court.

  4. He did the same thing in 2016, got quiet the last few months and everyone got complacent.

  5. It’s funny. But scary. This dude doesn’t seem remotely concerned about winning this election. There’s shit happening behind closed doors that we will see come to fruition in November.

  6. Golfing all day? Stewing in anger? Sounds to me more like he’s practicing being President again.

  7. Trump knows that several Republican states won’t certify the election results, or they’ll toss out Democrat counties when the votes are counted. The Republicans in the House will do everything in their power to stop the certification if he loses. He has the Supreme Court in his pocket. He thinks he already has the presidency locked up, so why bother campaigning.

  8. Damn, look at that form. Picture perfect. No wonder he wins all the tournaments at his own golf courses.

  9. Well considering he has 70 or so election delegates in battleground states that have already promised to vote for him regardless of their states outcomes, he doesn’t really need to campaign.

  10. He knows he won’t get the most votes. He’s counting on state and local traitors to sabotage vote counting and election certifications.

  11. Of course he is quiet quitting.

    Let’s look at it rationally: in the VERY short time that Harris been running, he went from slightly ahead in the polls, to (last I checked) 7 points down. His crowds dwindled to such a low number, he is embarrassed to hold rallies anymore. He, and even more so, his VP pick are constantly ridiculed for finding the weirdest stances to hold on anything, and his ramblings are becomming more and more unintelligible. He is also running out money to both hold rallies and pay people to show up to them…. People that leave as soon as the check clears, partway through the rally (as soon as the official pictures are taken, they leave).

    But, he still wants to get every dollar he can from his fans. So, he is just quietly quitting, allowing the last few runes to give him money, and buy his stuff, and just enjoying what freedom he has left, before the hammer comes down, and he is put anywhere from house arrest, to actually locked up.

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