Republicans Debate Whether Trump’s Rallies are Helping or Hurting Campaign: ‘I don’t know what he was talking about half the time’

Republicans Debate Whether Trump’s Rallies are Helping or Hurting Campaign: ‘I don’t know what he was talking about half the time’

Posted by T_Shurt

  1. As per [original article]( 📰:

    – Many prominent Republicans, from Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-Louisiana) to former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, have been urging Donald Trump to avoid personal attacks on Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris and stick to an issue-driven campaign. But Trump has defiantly ignored that advice, attacking Harris in ways that critics have described as sexist and racist.

    The Guardian’s Chris McGreal, in an article published on August 26, describes a debate Republicans have been having about Trump’s campaign rallies: Are they doing more to help or harm his campaign?

    The rallies, McGreal observes, excite his hardcore MAGA base. But his inflammatory comments run the risk of alienating swing voters.

    Frank Scavo, a Trump supporter in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, told The Guardian, “These rallies fire up the base to go out there and knock on doors. His base will walk on fire for him, but plenty of other Republicans don’t vote. Are they demoralized? Do they think their vote doesn’t count? Most of it is apathy. But if we don’t get people out there knocking on doors, Trump’s not going to win Luzerne County. But to do that, Trump’s got to focus on the message and not get distracted by personal attacks.”

    Scavo added, “Trump’s a good communicator. He’s got the issues, common-sense issues — most of them economic, not social. He should leave the attacks on Kamala to others, at least until the debate.”

    But Jenny, a voter in the Wilkes-Barre area of Pennsylvania, has grown disenchanted with Trump after voting for him in 2016 and 2020 — especially after the comments he made during a recent rally.

    Jenny told The Guardian, “He reminded me why I’m not going to vote for him this time. I voted for him in 2016 and had a Trump flag in the front yard. I voted for him again in 2020 but didn’t put the flag out that time. I’ve been thinking of voting for him again because (President Joe) Biden’s been so bad for the economy and Kamala won’t be any better. But after listening to that, I’m actually afraid of Trump being president again.”

    Jenny added, “I don’t know what he was talking about half the time. Perhaps he was always like that, but he seems worse, more unstable.”


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  2. Oh, they are helping! I think he should do one every day between now and November 5. 😂🤪

  3. Hiding him away won’t help either. Then people will wonder if DonOLD is mentally fit for office!

  4. Convicted felon trump’s odious personality coupled with gutter-style politics prevent him from talking about policy. Policy bores him and he will never take the time to learn enough about it to say anything meaningful about it.

  5. He’s spending all his time at the golf course, hardly any rallies now, he’s giving up, afraid of debate and afraid of questions from journalists 

  6. They can “debate” all they want, they’ve lost any ability to tell him to stop. They bent the knee, pledging obedience to him before anything else.

  7. He’s incoherent most of the time, and when he isn’t incoherent he’s wrong. Usually lying.

    All those people you see walking out early are realizing that. They may pretend to be redcaps, but I’d bet they won’t be in the voting booth, and in 20 years no one will admit to having voted for him.

  8. I think even though his supporters are significantly less visible and present than they were in 2016 and 2020, many will still reliably head to the polls just the same and vote for him just the same.

    What is interesting is the % of his supporters who will just sit this one out because they’re not enthused anymore. It may not be much, but with closer swing state margins, “not much” is all it may take to completely nuke his chances.

    But yeah, his rallies have lost the juice. His supporters just want to hear him insulting brown people and liberals, instead he goes on meandering half-remembered rants mostly about personal grievance and whining about his feelings.

  9. Now this is an issue? Not eight years ago when he was spewing hate when he was coherent and gibberish the rest of the time? Or are they just angry that now the babbling isn’t bringing them closer to the theocratic hellscape they were trying to create?

  10. Agreed. I don’t know what he’s talking about for the first half of every sentence. The second half is always replaced by the first half of the next sentence.

  11. He’s been doing it for years now. It made no sense when he started and it makes no sense now. It’s like two hours of living hell. He tells the same dumb ass stories at every rally…

  12. “Sorry, Mr. Trump. Could you please clarify that last remark? I don’t speak bipolar disorder off-your-meds word salad.”

  13. Gee, it only took what……8 years to realize he talks BS and in circles? Where they been all this time? Maybe the Kool-Aid is finally wearing off?

  14. It’s both; they help with dumbasses, racists, fascists, and domestic terrorists. They hurt with damn near everyone else.

  15. His supporters take from the speeches what they want to take.

    They don’t really care about him as a person. To them he’s a weapon they can use against people they hate(LGBT, people of color, women who don’t want to be property, children who want to think for themselves, unions, teachers, the poor)

  16. Republicans know full well that this doesn’t negatively impact them. You’d think it would, because of course it would. But it doesn’t. Trump wins people over by telling them if they join him, they become the hero. They now belong to the good guys club. They don’t need to understand the meaning of what Trump says because words have no meaning in this arrangement. Trump says words that they interpret as positive, that’s about them. If Trump says words they interpret as negative, that’s about their enemies. There is no judgement of true or false, smart or stupid- they are pre-affirmed that the positive sounding words are theirs. The negative ones, that’s about others.

    Trump needs to reach more victims to join his hero cult. The rallies are just a circle jerk, they don’t do that. Trump needs the journalist class to do his dirty work for him like they used to. Musk is doing his part. Rogan does some heavy lifting there too. The problem for the Trump cult right now is that his routine is becoming tiresome as it goes on and on for potential new members. Younger people have grown up with this cult, it’s their whole understanding of America. They don’t need Trump to make them feel good about themselves.

  17. His faithful flock will support literally anything he says or does, though 🐑🐑🐑🐑

  18. Omg, like it’s even a valid question. Of course they are, but don’t tell him. His lunacy leaks out all over the place whenever he gets on stage

  19. Trump is a failing idiot. My opinion of course however I cannot recall anyone in the public eye as stupid as he is. The more he talks the better it is for the Democrats


  21. “He’s now president for life. President for life. No, he’s great. And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot some day.” – Speaking about China’s President Xi Jingping, who repealed the country’s term limit laws.

    “I tested positively toward negative, right? So no. I tested perfectly this morning, meaning I tested negative. But that’s a way of saying it. Positively toward the negative.” – Confusingly telling the world he had tested negative for Covid-19.

    “I’m an environmentalist. A lot of people don’t understand that. I think I know more about the environment than most people.” – Despite his public stance against the existence of global warming.

    “Why would Kim Jong-un insult me by calling me old, when I would never call him short and fat? Oh well, I try so hard to be his friend and maybe someday that will happen.” – In a tweet about North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

    “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China. It’s going to be just fine.” – On coronavirus, January 22, 2020.

    “My fingers are long and beautiful, as are various other parts of my body.” .

    “I have a great relationship with the blacks.”

    “Sorry, losers. My IQ is the highest and you all know it.”

    “It’s freezing and snowing in New York – we need global warming!”

    “Nobody’s ever been treated badly like me… Although they do say Abraham Lincoln was treated really badly.”

  22. I like how we went from “Trump did something bonkers, here’s how that’s bad news for Biden” to “Trump did something, here’s how that’s bad news for Trump.”

    Take this story, for example. If Donald continues to campaign, he could hurt his chances of winning because he’s ramblings are incoherent, low-energy, and boring. If he stops campaigning, then people assume he’s lazy, old, and just wants to golf all the time. He’s screwed either way.

    Love to see it.

  23. Cause he’s so much more smarter than us! I red his mobile home is 300,000 sq feet and he wears solid gold underwear!

    Go bless you Mr Trump and I only hope my monthly tithe helps you save American

  24. And the other half he is lying. So for trump, if he starts talking, it’s either lies or some demented gibberish

  25. Let him keep talking. It’s the same BS and just builds the case for Harris. He should step aside and let JD run with it.

  26. It’s almost like he’s old and has dementia and showing him off to voters make them realize that he’s old and has dementia

  27. It’s almost like he’s old and has dementia and showing him off to voters make them realize that he’s old and has dementia

  28. But he needs his rallies to feed his addiction of having people cheer him. Good luck getting him to stop

  29. Honest question: why do people keep saying that Biden is/was bad for the economy? I’ve seen the stats and the economy is doing better under Biden than Trump. Where is the disconnect?

  30. I found the speech about the choice between electrocution by an electric boat motor vs. being eaten by a shark very informative. Trump even said “No one had ever asked that question before” and it was probably due to the fact that he is so smart because someone from his family went to MIT.

  31. Why is this anything new? He’s sounded like a crazy moron for a decade now

  32. “I’ve been thinking of voting for (Trump) again because (President Joe) Biden’s been so bad for the economy and Kamala won’t be any better.” 🤡


  33. The guy has been talking nonstop for 9 years now, he doesn’t have anything new and he’s getting stale. Who could listen to the same album every day for 9 years and not want to hear something else?

  34. Best advice is for Trump to pull a Biden Surprise and drop out replacing the top of the ticket with JD Vance.

  35. If people who go to his rallies can’t understand him half the time, which I think as an estimate is too low by half, then that should tell them something.

  36. Sharks versus batteries

    Windmills (turbines) kill birds/cause cancer

    Hannibal Lecter is a real dude and close friend

    Kamala Harris is so bad a debating I won’t debate her

    Joe was coup’d

    Obama, Obama, Obama

    There, that’s what’s he’s talking about. Insert your own sound effects, hand gestures, and weird dance moves.

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