Mince pie anyone?

Brought today from Morrisons. I mean, I do love a good mince pie but August? August? The kids haven’t even started going back to school yet.

by SpiritedZeaRose

  1. You are lucky. Round my way they are only sold when they are “in season”. I am not sure if that is when they mate or when you are allowed to hunt them.

    Anyway I can eat a mince pie at any time of year.

  2. I think mince pies should only be available around Christmas.

    I don’t even celebrate Christmas, but the seasonal aspect of them helps make them that bit more special.

    That said, if you were to offer me one, I would accept. It’d be rude not to.

  3. With all due respect, you can’t complain about them being in the shops too early then purchase them.

    I love a mince pie too, but if people buy them this early in the year, the shops will keep pumping them out.

    I don’t comment this to be malicious, if there are sales and customer demand they will keep stocking them early.

  4. I’ve already seen Christmas adverts on X so it doesn’t surprise me. September in a few days and as far as retail is concerned the Christmas countdown well n truly starts! I love mince pies but i can only eat them nearer the time else I’ll be fed up with them

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