Can anybody explain why this baby squirrel ran upto me today?

For context he was really friendly but not acting how I've ever seen a squirrel act before, wasn't climbing and just kind of shuffled along the floor. Looked healthy but very small

by cooolrun

  1. Because you were dressed as a fucking 5ft 4in walnut Miranda. I keep telling you, it’s *weird* to just walk around the park in fancy dress, you have to stop.

  2. Sometimes they just do – I’ve had it happen twice. I think they are just curious and haven’t learned to stay away from people yet.

    Don’t try and help it though, it is illegal to care for _and release_ a grey squirrel without a licence. They are an invasive species.

  3. Loads of squirrels in the parks around me do this. They are used to being fed and run up expecting nuts.

  4. This is why older squirrels are nervous around people. The younger ones that arnt nervous of other creatures go up to them. And evolution sorts out the fine details

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