The result of the biggest air attack by Russian military

The result of the biggest air attack by Russian military

by ladykaka1234

  1. The result of the biggest air attack by the Russian military

    26.08.2024 (18.00)

    Shot down:

    • 1 aeroballistic missile X-47M2 “Kinzhal”
    • 1 ballistic missile “Iskander-M”/KN-23
    • 1 cruise missile X-22
    • 99 cruise missiles X-101, “Kalibr”, KAP X-59/69
    • 99 attack drones “Shahed-136/131”

    Air Forces

  2. here is more informative of what flew and what intercepted

    99/115 Kh-101, Caliber, Kh-59/69.

    1/3 Kh-47м2 Kinzhal.

    1/3 Kh-22.

    1/6 Iskander-М/KN-23.

    99/109 Shahed-131/136.

  3. Source: [](

    3 Kh-47M2 “Kinshal” Hypersonic missiles (1 shot down)

    6 “Iskander-M”/KN-23 (1 shot down)

    77 Kh-101 cruise missiles from Tu-95MS

    28 Kalibr cruise missiles

    10 Kh-59/Kh-69 guided air missiles from Su-57 and Su-34 (total of 102 cruise/guided air missiles shot down)

    3 Kh-22 cruise missiles (1 shot down)

    109 strike UAVs “Shahed-131/136” (99 shot down – some were lost when crossing the border into Belarus and Poland)

    According to *Come Back Alive Foundation* [a single Gepard managed to shoot down 6 “Shahed” drones and 3 Cruise missiles today](

  4. What’s the current interception rate? Sometimes it’s listed as 90%+ but IIRC Syrskyi mentioned about 53% recently.

    Ukraine needs more AD since apparently the fucking Russians can still chuck hundreds of missiles at a time, albeit less & less frequently.

  5. Ukrainian anti-air is much stronger now. Compared to one year ago where interception rate was around 50%, now it’s around 90% and it’s a huge attack too which is harder to intercept. I suspect F-16s are doing good work.    

    Also imagine waste of money, how many potential hospitals, schools they could have built instead of firing all this crap at our people? This attack cost them around 1.1 billion (!) dollars btw according to Forbes

  6. The world knew R would do this because this is all they can do. If they use nukes they are dead. If they add more troops more will die. If they attack by land they fail.

  7. Putin could be spending all the money used to create those weapons to improve the lives of his citizens, but he doesn’t care.

  8. With this they need to weld additional panels to patriots just to have place for all the kill marks

  9. Now you see russia is a fucking murder country. If they would care about military goals they would have fired those things on ukrainian troops in Kursk or Ukraine.

    This is the proof imo.
    Poopin doesn’t care about military goals. He is a frikin murder.

  10. Now send that many back, or double. Their interception rate is much lower. Hit every infrastructure target within range. Then listen for the crying coming from Moscow

  11. You do not need air defense against these missiles, just strike the production sites. It is not a secret where they are located (Dubna engineering plant, N56°45’00” E37°07’10”). NATO has everything needed for that task.

  12. That’s staggering. Well done Ukraine, now send them more air defense and expand training.

  13. I simply find the inefficiency of Russian attacks incredible with half a dozen drones and missiles, Ukraine incurs three times the costs.

  14. Fk that bridge up alredy…and next time they try something similar go for the Kreml..(yes, angry)

  15. Putin is having a hissy fit over the Kursk advance. I can just picture him giving his orders: “Kill them all, send all of the damn rockets at once, do it now!”

    Hissy fits from the old man and bunker gangster who is failing about his frustrated conquests. Someone wrote that he made up the Ukraine “Special Military Operation” after reading too many history books, when he was confined to his bunker during the Covid19 pandemic.

    **The Russian people must wake up from Putin’s “delirium tremens” and replace this failed wanna be Emperor with no clothes. The elite must realize that time is of essence and the longer they wait the worst it will get, and the toll that Russia will have to pay for reparations goes up. Having money and being able to travel to enjoy it, cruise the Mediterranean in your yacht or go shopping in London and New York is better than being stuck in Russia all the time. One man is keeping 140 million Russians from prosperity, instead the future is sad and grim right now. Retire Putin now!**

  16. That’s like 2 billion dollars worth of munitions. To only hit 10 to 15% of your targets is insane. If you only have a 12% chance to destroy your target you will have to fire 24 missiles at a single target to have a 95% chance of hitting it.

  17. Well, at least there is some modicum of solace in the knowledge that this attack is unsustainable for the Russian economy and had – relatively speaking – a very low return on the massive investment of about 1 billion bucks…

    The effectiveness of these attacks by Russia has dropped a hell of a lot compared to the beginning.

  18. Thanks to Putin, Russia will go broke. I seen it in happen in the early 1990’s. Can’t wait to see it again. Putin’s to stupid to learn from history. There version of WWII has ben edited to fit their needs. They should be thanking the U.S. for the help we provide.

  19. The bright side of this is that it proves Ukrainian air defense is SO much stronger now. The only way Russians can get anything through is to overwhelm it is by stockpiling for a while until they have enough to launch all at once.

  20. Why isn’t the west playing it’s A game?!! Deliver!!! Ffs, let’s stop this madness!

  21. Are sanctions working or is the supply just small now? Them chucking 100 cruise missiles like this is unbelievable to me. How are they making this many still? Imagine if those were Storm Shadow numbers. I haven’t seen those in a long time…

  22. Imagine if the Russians would put this much effort and resources into fixing their shithole country.

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