Russian Nazis have hit Kyiv hydro power plant dam today. Kyiv dam holds 3,7 billions tons of water, and is located upstreams from Kyiv, so a breach of Kyiv dam would kill thousands of civilians in Kyiv and nearby towns. Russia must be stopped by force. Now.

Russian Nazis have hit Kyiv hydro power plant dam today. Kyiv dam holds 3,7 billions tons of water, and is located upstreams from Kyiv, so a breach of Kyiv dam would kill thousands of civilians in Kyiv and nearby towns. Russia must be stopped by force. Now.

by Espressodimare

  1. So what is Russia going to have if it is successful with their invasion…a bunch of nothing. This is stupid.

  2. How about some NATO countries get in there and stop this shit…like yesterday would be a good time to start. Two years ago would have been even better.

  3. Remember the overwhelming response after Kahovka? Yeah me neither. Russia just keeps trying.

  4. Don’t worry. The UN will draft a strongly-worded letter.

    The Red Cross will deliver it. /s


    FUCK Ruzzia AND POOIN!!!

  6. Might be terrible if the dam at Desnogorskoye Vodokhranilishche was to suddenly develop a terrible leak. Oh how would the Smolensk nuclear power plant find cooling water?

    But, Ukrainians are not environmental terrorists; That seems to be a Ruzzian specialty.

  7. Ukraine need air defence help (although they are doing an amazing job of getting the vast majority of any missiles). They need more and better weapons and they are producing some great new technologies now. Funds, weapons and increased allowances of what is permitted are all required. The invaders need to be stopped.

  8. NATO must protect the skies!!! Come on already. You aren’t killing russian soldiers, you’re simply shooting down all foreign flying objects from the aggressor state and helping your ally.

  9. I’m in. They swept one ecological catastrophe under the rug already. They must be stopped.

  10. Yea we should be intervening in this its going too far but you will have those that will cower in fear of the threat of nukes so the west will do very little its fucking sickening.

  11. This is no different to a nuke going off in scale of damage – the West needs to finally stop giving half-measures and get involved, and I say that as a UK citizen.

  12. What is it with Russia and their obsession with attacking civilian infrastructure instead of the UAF that is delivering pain on your actual military targets?

  13. A month or so back I was in hospital in the UK. We obviously have the NHS which is funded through UK tax system.

    A Russian was demanding priority from the very hard working doctors, nurses and health care staff…. Because he was Russian.

    The entitlement is absurd. Fuck OFF, nobody likes you.

  14. To start with: deliver military aid on international water as well. I want to see sea babies truck up the baltic fleet, the pacific fleet, the arctic fleet, ….

  15. Time for the guerrilla groups to start upping the physical work on the Russians, this shit will be more prevalent now so an insurgency behind Russian lines to cause more issues

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