Charges against Telegram CEO. He faces 30 years.

Charges against Telegram CEO. He faces 30 years.

by SmokyDoky876

  1. He fled Russia in 2014 in fear of imprisonment after refusing to create a back door for FSB.

  2. They have data against all the users but refuse to give them to authorities. Fuck them.

    Be like Signal, be smart, just don’t hold the personal data of your users. Simple. No data, no problem.

  3. couldn’t half of the reasons (if not more) listed in there be applied to any ISP too?

  4. States will always be authoritarian in nature and desire to exercise more control over the population. This is just an example of that. This persecution is ridiculous.

  5. I’d love to be able to read a sober version of the facts so far of the arrest and charges – there seems to be a lot of pre-existing opinion and subterfuge regarding what he has been charged for and why.

    If he has been arrested merely for facilitating communications through his app, I have a moral problem with that. (I don’t believe the owner of an app / VLOP can be responsible for the communications of its users – we aren’t serfs where our feudal lord is responsible for our actions).

    However, if he has committed otherwise criminal acts unrelated to that, no issue with being arrested. Money laundering / unrelated organised crime offences could very well be that, but I am not informed enough yet to know.

  6. Disgusting behaviour from France. So much for liberty! What scummy behaviour. The plebs aren’t allowed encrypted communication, just the government.

  7. It’s very unlikely he didn’t know there was an investigation about him and that he would be arrested. Apparently his plane flew into Paris on its own accord (or, as tracking may show, had no other options). Better getting arrested by France than falling from a window.

  8. charges of…. a lot of complicity, like the guy is actively friends with organized crime. fuck france i enjoy having one app that does not share my conversations whenever the state asks for them.
    people cheer for this guy’s arrest and are then shocked there is no online privacy anymore.

  9. Should have flown out of CDG instead, he’d probably still be in line to go thru security rather than in jail.

  10. Why did Telegram ignore the French authorities and where is the transparency report from Telegram with information about all their affairs? They passed information, for example, to India

    Telegram should block Nazis from Rusich, not Navalny’s bot.

    Companies that care about user safety do not ignore requests from governments and have transparent pages on their websites about this


  11. The vague selective application of laws is pretty stark here. It’s super weird that he is actually being charged for complicity in the crimes themselves.

    1) Either he should be charged directly for the laws he himself broke and it should be something like “insufficient control implemented over public platform” or whatever the law or regulation would be.

    2) Or any service that is used for crimes is now open for charges on the crimes themselves. If Linux is used to sell drugs get Torvalds? Just intellectually dishonest.

    Also funny how in the initial thread on his arrest almost all reactions were negative and now somehow a far stronger opposite narrative has formed.

  12. yes,but you need your group to have it as well. telegram is more widespread in my area.

  13. What’s the TLDR on his relationship with Russia?
    And how much do we know about how the Russian military uses telegram?

  14. Ah, I love the smell of Western democracy. When is Zuckerberg going to prison because 90% of the stuff written in the document is literally the same shit Facebook/Instagram does, but I guess it’s fine since he’s one of the good ones, he sells our data.

  15. The last 3 charges are abhorrent, is France now declaring that to provide, distribute or create encryption software you need approval from the government? What’s next going after the likes of Bernstein?

    Heck the same charges can also be applied to LetsEncrypt, they provide certificates to anyone, pretty much every phishing campaign and C2 for malware set up since they’ve launched uses their certificates. Whilst they provide full certificate transparency logs they don’t require any information and they very much intentionally deprecate things like OCSP which would require them to keep logs that could disclose when and who accessed a certain website which uses their certificate.

  16. This is insane. Shame on France, big shame.

    This is like arresting Mark Zuckerberg because someone on Facebook used Facebook for illegal activities.

  17. freedom against this sort of prosecution is a traditionally leftist agenda. at the same time, Durov’s image is more of far-right stuff, which makes it awkward for leftists to support him. also wrong ethnicity. he has no chance

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