truly superior banter.

truly superior banter.

by King_Of_The_Shot

  1. Then we have the Belgians fighting over how to actually form a government with all the various parties that have significant seats.

    End result is that no one is happy.
    I’m happy to see unhappy Belgians.

  2. We’re all bureaucratic. The difference is that our bureaucrats work from 9:30-11:00 on tuesdays and thursdays only.

  3. The funniest part is not Berlusconi single-handedly keeping the prostitution industry alive, but using it as a diplomatic tool in foreign policy. Basically what China does with pandas, but with milfs instead of pandas

  4. I went to the prostitution museum in Amsterdam and Berlusconi was on a wall of celebrities that loved prostitutes loooool

  5. Eh, what is this Yanktard view of the US being analogous to all of Europe?

    Inter-party within a country != inter-country.

    It’s not like Fratelli d’Italia supporters and PD supporters aren’t starting to shriek ‘Commie!’ And ‘Fascist!’ at each other as much as Republicans and Democrats. Nor SPD and AfD, Labour and UKIP if not Tory, etc.

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