Carolina reaper down in one or nibble ?

Home grown contemplating how tomorrow might go.

by Owainmorganlee

  1. Either way, please remember to wash your hands thoroughly before touching your eye and/or genitals.

    You’ll know if you weren’t thorough enough.

  2. A few agressive chews then swallow. If you nibble it, you’ll be put off it when the hot sensation purses your inner cheeks (the mouth ones, but the bottom ones will too in 8 hours)

  3. Pop it back on the stem to grow a bit longer lmao feels like I’m at my annual checkup

  4. Good luck. I ate maybe 1cm^2 of one and couldn’t feel my face for about 20 mins.

    And I usually drown most food in Encona Xxxtra hot.

  5. Ok ok all good advice and suggestions ! Update I chopped it up into a teaspoon of sour cream on chive dip and ate it all in a wrap. I’m on the milk and my mouth isn’t happy. Tomorrow won’t be fun either 😬.
    First person to send me their details can have one similar sized sent to them for free to see what they think. Btw there are a couple of green ones on the vine 3times as big.

  6. I ate a dried whole one back in school – felt like I’d been shot in the stomach.

    Great experience though 😂

  7. All I can tell you from personal experience is that, tomorrow morning, don’t leave the house until you’ve had 3 shits.

    You’ll think 2 is enough….. it won’t be.

    Only after the third shit will you be in the clear.

  8. I ate half a big habanero earlier, numb lips and cried out one eye. What’s your update?!

  9. Smash yourself in the face with a brick.

    It will hurt less and you’ll recover quicker.

  10. I used to grow these and I don’t even like chilli’s. I just got fascinated by the reapers for some reason. Also, down in 1.

  11. Be aware that drinking too much milk (2 litres+) makes you feel violently ill and much worse than the pepper ever did.
    Source: me

  12. A work colleague who was ‘used to really spicy food’ took one of the ones I’d grown a few years ago and chewed on it in our office.

    After about a minute he broke out in sweats, said his heart was racing and ran to the bathroom to be sick.

    He was in there for a good 15 minutes.

    Take that as a guide?

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