Der morgendliche Angriff auf die Ukraine kostete Russland fast 1,3 Milliarden US-Dollar

Der morgendliche Angriff auf die Ukraine kostete Russland fast 1,3 Milliarden US-Dollar

  1. What a disgusting waste of money. Aliens if you’re still on the fence with us, yeah we are hopeless.

    Isn’t funny to think that our whole existence can be wiped out in a hour or so if one person decides to launch the nukes.

    Any outside observer would be like wtf is wrong with you.

  2. Already a year ago YT channels claimed that russia are almost out of these, so have they made more or did they actually had much more than estimated?

  3. And all they’ve done is piss Ukrainians off even more.

    Bravo, you dumb Russian motherfuckers. Bravo.

  4. well, how much damage did they cause? Putin seems more than happy to waste money/manpower/everything as long as it causes a decent amount of harm to Ukraine.

  5. The big thing that this guy is leaving out here is that Post-Soviet countries not only vied for their independence, but also, with the exception of Belarus, asked to join NATO.

    Poland specifically fought tooth and nail to join NATO even though western politicians were hesitant to allow that to happen.

    Russia isnt being forced to invade anybody. They swing their nuclear dick around and sell arms to the middle east not because they are being forced to, but because they cant accept the fact that they arent as influential on the world stage as they used to be.

  6. It shows how desperate putin is getting. Ukraine must be doing things right in kursk.

  7. I don’t know that claiming some sort of victory based on the fact that Russia dropped $1.3 billion in weaponry on you is logical.

  8. We really need to start reinforcing the generator the common denominator of all of this PUTIN.. and keep that at the top of the list Russian people’s don’t want to go to war anymore but they do need money he controls their lives through fear and propaganda.. I hear they have Hitler’s bones in Russia maybe they need an extra set so he won’t be lonely.

  9. The russian people should reclaim their billions of wasted dollars from putin by repossessing his many palaces.

  10. The real question here should be how much worth of damage did it managed to cause ?

  11. I really doubt that 13m per missile number. How do they even come up with that? Why is that missile so much more expensive than the others?

  12. We have to make Russia understand that the only way for them to “win” this war is for them to withdrawal as soon as possible.

  13. What does Putin care? He needs to make sure that he comes out on top and that he does not care that this money is being taken from the peasants that he rules.

  14. Please note that this was a *terror campaign* as the vast majority of targets have little to no military value.

    If the Russians had the coordinates of valuable military targets, then they would have bombed them. But they don’t.

    If they could bomb the Ukrainians out I’d the Dombas region, then they would. But they can’t.

    If they could bomb the Ukranians out of Kursk, then they would do that. But they can’t.

    These are the tactics of terrorists.

    This is the overreaction of a nearly impotent bully who is not getting his way.

  15. And with all the oil refineries that are damaged now in Russia, they’re going wish they had that money back.

  16. And how much damage did it cause? Problem is Russia has cash from China and India…and let’s remember from Europe as well….so it’s a drop in the bucket

  17. I don’t understand what Putin thinks he is going to get out of taking Ukraine? At this point I don’t think he can ever recoup the losses he’s incurred during the war, so what is the point in continuing?

  18. 36 sucessful hits with only three reported fatalities so far.

    For 1.3 BILLION. 

    What a complete fuck up and waste of money and resources. 

    Jebaited into a heavy and useless response and wasted resources in the process. GG Putin/KGB. Fools. 

  19. Putin can attack the grid allll he likes. Ukraine controls the sea and their major export is wheat and grain. Economy that drives the war machine in Ukraine will continue.  Meanwhile Russia economy is based on oil and gas. Hit refineries, war machine in Russia actually does stop. Vlad just threw the only kitchen sink he has left and it amounted to very little. 

  20. Imagine all the money Russia wasted on the war since 2022 if they spend it to make small cities and rural places better. They could be a second Dubai with all the money they were making on oil and gas but here we are 2024 and millions of Russian people live even without runing water and have to go to a water well like its the middle ages.

  21. Hot take… They have that much in hacked & stolen cryptocurrency over the years and more from partnerships with the DPRK potentially exceeding 200 Billion – this war is sponsored by the value of BTC and BTC will always be propped up, because they are holding and having assets take cash loans against the value of their crypto holdings. They literally are not even spending their crypto, just sending stooges to con western creditors who are likely also, in on the plot.

    But surely… that’s not happening /s

  22. Imagine if this money and all the money they spent destroying Ukraine and killing Ukrainians the past two and a half years was spent on improving the lives of their own people

  23. For the sake of Ukrainians, we can only hope that this is Russia throwing everything including the kitchen sink at Ukraine. A last ditch effort.

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