Remaines of electronics of newest Kh-69 cruise missile represents degradation of russian missile building industry

Remaines of electronics of newest Kh-69 cruise missile represents degradation of russian missile building industry

by Creepy_Jeweler_1351

  1. LMFAO 😂😂 this coming out of Russia doesn’t surprise me. Dude had to be fuckin hammered tryna solder those contacts.

  2. It’s ugly, but it does the job perfectly, and it can be produced in large numbers on an age-old production line.

  3. Its inevitable. The rest of the world will eventually completely exile the pariah that is Russia. And they will be driving old cars just like Cuba. The fact that stuff still gets in there is infuriating and sadly will extend this transition out. But it will happen eventually. No one moral will ever want to do business with the orcs.

  4. If you see that many bodge fixes then it’s most likely a prototype board. Seeing as how they’ve been using water bottles for fuel tanks, wouldn’t surprise me if they’re using this in the production model.

  5. Can anyone explain where the issues are on the soldering/pcb’s?
    I know absolutely zero just curious on where the bad workmanship is

  6. I’m guessing whoever did that mess was an wiring houses last week … is that a bus bar on a PCB?🤣

  7. If it works it is irrelevant how it is out together.
    The victims don’t care that it was not well made.

  8. Ukrainian intelligence needs to find the people that can solder and fix these weapons.
    Pay them a little visit and say hi.
    Exchange cultural pleasantries and kinetic energy reply’s.

  9. This could also possibly be them doing ‘mods’ to a set of boards that would normally have been scrapped due to errors in the design. Where normally you would do a small production run on a board, mod in any edits you need to make and verify that the mod fixes it, implement the mod in the next revision, then mass produce.

    Maybe they had a large production run of boards that had an error and they said, “fuck it” mod them all.

    If done well, this could save them a crap ton of time and money.

    Maybe they are scraping the bottom of the barrel for old boards since they can’t get new ones.

  10. Old joke told by my BIL who spent time in Russia. Russian scientist showed up with two cases and a new calculator. Put cases down and said “It’s great but the batteries weigh a ton.”

    He also said when they compared gadgets a lot of their stuff was machined from brass, while his stuff was held together with duct tape. He was told “We cannot get duct tape.”

  11. But if they arrive at their target – it doesn’t matter….
    I hope, that Ukraine allies will ramp up their deliveries of WEAPONS and Munitions

  12. I hate the dismissive attitude about Russian capabilities. If it sucks so bad how come Ukraine can’t make these in droves. It’s like making fun of a bullies shirt while they punch in your teeth. Just frustrating to watch all the cope pieces lately while Russian grinds on in Donbas with no end in sight.

  13. What happens to the missle when the microchip indicates it is time for the rinse cycle to engage?

  14. Sorry to say this, but: “If it’s stupid, but it works, it ain’t stupid.”
    This is 1980s tech. Have you ever looked into a PDP11? It’s bodgewire city in those computers and those were hightech during that era. Heck, Apple still had bodgewires in their production models in the late 90s.
    Sadly these cruise missiles work and kill people, even though the soldering is absolute crap. The cruise missile only has to work one time.

  15. That’s scraping bottom of the barrel, retrofit old shit to work in a pinch craftsmanship

  16. seems like wishful thinking. I think it’s just a prototype. they changed something on the board manually and are now testing it. if the tests are successful, then they will easily print updated boards, since it’s absolutely not hard.

  17. Technology first designed in the mid80s upgraded in the mid 90s. Bound to be simple

  18. Tsarist Russia: We build world’s biggest canon!

    Soviet Russia: We build world’s biggest tank!

    Putinist Russia: We build world’s biggest microchip!

  19. This sort of hopium propaganda bullshit…many Ukrainians have no power today cause of these missiles. Others are dead. Many more live in fear.

    And there’s a constant stream of reddit posts that are designed to mock Russian kit….don’t you realise that you’re spitting in the face of Ukrainians facing these deadly weapons….shame on you….keyboard cowards.

    Think about the people facing these

  20. How much of this PCB would be done by machine in a modern Western manufacturing facility ?

  21. I mean… This is one way to hinder reverse-engineering 🤦🏻

    Ruzzians are truly superior when it comes to tech 🥴

  22. If this was a Ukrainian missile you would say this all doesn’t matter since it can still fly and blow up Russian stuff.  The end justifies the means for the Russians. 

  23. Electronics in a missile is literally meant to explode, I’d bet good money that American missiles look messy inside too

  24. This is normal russian production, they are still producing missiles, and those missiles still cause damage and death, we need to tighten the sanctions vice even more.

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