Somebody’s lying, I wonder who 🤔

Somebody’s lying, I wonder who 🤔

Posted by Glassworth

  1. Hey, don’t you dare disrespect trump. He’s lever lied about anything in his life! 😂😂😂

  2. Don’t diss on Donalds height. YOU try to stand up straight with a full adult diaper 😬

  3. One fact about men is they never, *ever* claim to be a height shorter than they are. I don’t know if Charlie Kirk is 6’1, but he sure isn’t 6’2.

  4. Why is it that every one of them either doesn’t know how to stand with proper posture, or has this weird thing where they don’t know what to do with their hands?

  5. That pile of “I’m not going bald I swear!” falsehood on Charlie’s head gives him another couple inches

  6. Trump is not 6’3”

    I am 5’11” and I stood next to him at a bar in NYC about 25 years ago & he was about the same height I was. Maybe half an inch or an inch taller, at best.

  7. Donald Trump is definitely that guy who’s 5’-11.5” and is forever deeply insecure about the fact that he isn’t 6’ tall.

  8. Why hasn’t Alex Jones investigated the fact that they’re obviously aliens in ill-fitting skin suits?

  9. is that a real picture, with the way they are standing, it already looks so fucking fake i am not sure I could ever tell if it was photoshopped.

  10. If Charley is (doubtful) 6’1” I’d actually believe trump is 6’3”. The only problem would be getting him to stand upright without implanting a spine.

  11. if you look at him next to jeb bush (6’3”) in the debates it’s pretty obvious he’s much much shorter

  12. Is that the dude that has ZERO GAME (Riz??) and now hates everyone in the US cause he couldn’t get a piece of ass?


  13. Is it just me or did trump ruin giving someone a thumbs up? I feel like if I do it I’m just giving a sign that says “fuck yourself”.

  14. Everyone knows the camera adds 30 pounds and take 5 inches. Famously, Danny de Vito played pro b-ball in the 70s but realied he’s really more talented as a comedian.

    ^((not really))

  15. I thought Charlie Kirk’s face was getting smaller, but it is morphing into a Skibidi Toilet face.

  16. Wtf is wrong with his face? Does he *know* this is what his ‘Normal Human Smile 24-Alpha’ looks like?

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