The aftermath.

Hope everyone got home safe.

by EitherChannel4874

  1. I remember doing agency work clearing up after carnival for Westminster council one year. We just used big brooms to push the rubbish into plastic bathtubs and tipped the tubs into the back of the bin lorry. Never found anything worthwile sadly. 😉

  2. My street is dirtier than this on a normal day. I love the magic of Westminster council, this will be spotless by 6am tomorrow.

  3. Looks the same as any major event in London to be honest. Soho after pride looks worse, but the council have everything cleaned up before too long.

  4. “Aftermath”. lol. This was the most peaceful carnival in recent memory. A bit of litter in the gutters is hardly remarkable.

  5. The amount of sirens I’ve heard passing through the neighbourhood (Holland Park) the past couple days is insane. At least two or three every 15 minutes

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