Anyone know what kind of dog this is?

Anyone know what kind of dog this is?

by petantic

  1. Canadian Short-hair Pond Terrier, we have them all over here. They’re a little easily startled but love playing with sticks

  2. Have you tried placing a cucumber near it and seeing if it startles it when it notices?

  3. People never cease to amaze me.

    How can you not tell the difference between a wild haggis and a dog?

  4. That will one day become a proud Sporran which will one day hang with pride from a Scotman’s lower garments.

  5. Jesus Christ. It’s a fucking duck lay on the ground. You can see the beak. It’s got problems with it’s arse so maybe a vet needs have a look.

  6. Aqua-phobic paddle doggo. Hates the sound of rushing water. Would use you as a barrier to plug the flow if it could.

    10/10 good boi

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