Burning oil depot in Rostov region, day 9 – Fun fact: average male mosquito live for 7 days

Burning oil depot in Rostov region, day 9 – Fun fact: average male mosquito live for 7 days

by Zealousideal-Menu276

  1. >Fun fact: average male mosquito live for 7 days

    So about the same as a vatnik at the front

  2. You mean the mosquitos send by UA Chemical labors?

    If you just say: “Ja Russkie” they all rush on you and will kill you…

  3. It’s like Vatnik Channukah, the oil depot that should have been put out in a day but burned for ~~8~~ 9… So far.

  4. Russians might as well set the rest of the facility on fire too and get it over with sooner.

  5. I would like to know how much money in total this attack by itself will end up costing, it’s gotta be alot of money you would think
    Russian fire department getting pwned

  6. Does anyone have any sort of update on the cost of this fire as it burns?

    I recall after 3 days it was estimated at about $200 million USD burned (literally). Can we assume after 9 days this has been a $600 million drain on Russia’s economy?

  7. So this depot is currently 1/5th of a Truss, and ALMOST as long as 1 Scaramucci.

    Gentlemen, I officially declare a Kavaz to be an official metric unit of measurement.

    Any way, the exact length of 1 Kavaz is currently increasing, meaning now is the time to invest in Kavaz (as a unit of measure, not the actual depot, that place is screwed)

  8. Actually asking; how would a competent country deal with this type of situation? Or do they just let it burn? 

  9. My fun fact.

    There are no mosquitos in russia. They all suffer instant death from alcoholic poisioning after one bite of an orc.

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