Sanctions at work: Some Russian factories face bankruptcy due to the inability to purchase critical chemical raw materials abroad, including from “friendly” countries.

20 large Russian companies (representatives of the automotive industry, construction companies and manufacturers of household appliances) sent a letter to the Russian government, specifically to Anton Alikhanov, the Minister of Industry and Trade of Russia, that warns about the shortage of MDI:

(…) this situation over the next few months will entail the risk of shutdown and bankruptcy of existing production facilities

MDI (methylene diphenyl diisocyanate) is used in, for example, refrigerator components and car parts, and is impossible to stockpile, as it decomposes quickly

Following US, Europe and Japan, China's largest MDI producer, Wanhua Chemical Group, announced a complete halt to supplies to Russia.

by Glass-Photograph-117

  1. Well let’s face it would you allow dangerous chemicals to be handled by a drunk, it’s for their own good.

  2. >as it decomposes quickly

    just like ruscian economy, industry, military, soft power, diplomacy, demographics, etc etc etc…

  3. Huh. Even china finally woke up to the fact that russia is bad for business. Colour me surprised.

  4. So is this shit used for weapons like the Shahed drones or insulation on missiles? Might just make building those harder to do as well. The Russian industry is now fully in the found out stage.

  5. When will the Russian people finally stand up to the man destroying their country?

  6. Good. Putin will not be around to pay the tab for this bullshit though and that’s the thing the citizens of Russia willfully ignore. Do they not care for the future?

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