BMA members resign in revolt over transgender children stance

BMA members resign in revolt over transgender children stance

by MrFeatherstonehaugh

  1. I’m not surprised the union members are furious. Regardless of the controversial topic, as far as I am aware a very public motion was passed without consultation to its members. The union is there to represent the members, not the members to represent the views of the union.

  2. > the BMA’s membership base of 195,000
    > […]
    > Comments left by signatories include dozens saying that they are resigning or considering resigning their membership.

    *There are dozens of us. Dozens!*

  3. The BMA should simply shut the fuck up on anything that isn’t pay and conditions

  4. So based on the Article:

    > Hundreds of members, including NHS clinical leaders and former presidents of medical royal colleges, have gone public with their “dismay” at BMA leaders for voting to reject the Cass review into the care of transgender children and reverse a ban on puberty blockers.

    >….the BMA’s membership base of 195,000 doctors….

    So we have Hundreds? So is this 100? 500? 900? (Do we have exact numbers?) of doctors leaving the BMA, but will classify we don’t know who or where these doctors lie.

    What i mean is, these could be completely none related doctors to the field of transgender care, in different areas, or not, we don’t get enough information on who this group is.

    But imagine if these were all opticians or other none related fields, should their opinion carry as much weight as experts in that specific field?

    Also important to note this is over the BMA’s stance:

    > ….At a recent meeting of the union’s leaders, senior doctors voted in favour of a motion calling for children to be able to access treatment to help them change gender.
    > The BMA announced on Wednesday that it would carry out an evaluation of the Cass review, raising concerns about “weaknesses in the methodologies used in the review”. The union said that, in the meantime, the implementations of the Cass review should be pause

    Basically the BMA Council has voted to carry out its own evaluation of the Cass review, and its methodology and methods, saying there was major issues with it.

    See this Yale report for examples: [Link](

    These complaining members have then basically complained the BMA has decided to do its own review and not just blindly follow the Cass review, some are then resigning due to this none blind following of said Cass review.

  5. The government made a decision about people treatments without consulting the people giving out the treatment. A bunch of non medical professionals refusing the help of medical professionals on a medical issue. Of course you’d resign. I’d be pissed too. Go on the BMA

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